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来源:宝莲禅寺   作者:
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  石窟庵是第24号国宝,其正式名称为石窟庵石窟。1995年被联合国教科文组织指定为世界文化遗产。它是一处以花岗岩建成的人工石窟寺院。新罗(57 B.C.-A.D. 935)时期的751年(景德王742-765年在位)由金大城(700-774)开始建造,经24年后于774年 (惠恭王765-780在位)才完工。
  据说石窟庵与佛国寺建于同一时期。高丽时期[新罗末期,分裂的朝鲜半岛重新统一后建立的王朝(918-1392)] 的史书《三国遗事》中记载,金大城为了现世的父母而建造了佛国寺,又为了前世的父母建造了石窟庵。


  石窟庵(Seokguram Grotto (Mt. Tohamsan))
  石窟庵(Seokguram Grotto (Mt. Tohamsan))石窟庵位于吐含山,是韩国典型的石窟寺庙。  石窟庵是第24号国宝,其正式名称为石窟庵石窟。1995年被联合国教科文组织指定为世界文化遗产。它是一处以花岗岩建成的人工石窟寺院。新罗(57 B.C.-A.D. 935)时期的751年(景德王742-765年在位)由金大城(700-774)开始建造,经24年后于774年 (惠恭王765-780在位)才完工。 据说石窟庵与佛国寺建于同一时期。高丽时期[新罗末期,分裂的朝鲜半岛重新统一后建立的王朝(918-1392)] 的史书《三国遗事》中记载,金大城为了现世的父母而建造了佛国寺,又为了前世的父母建造了石窟庵。 石窟庵位于吐含山(海拔745米)东面的山峰,是将花岗岩加工后人工堆砌的石窟寺院。主室呈圆形,内有本尊像等菩萨及弟子的像。石窟庵正是为了供奉本尊像而建造的。本尊像坐在莲花宝座上,姿态柔和,表情慈祥。屋顶呈半月形或弓形,上有莲花纹的圆盘为盖。这里日出的景色十分美丽,因此有许多人都在清晨前来石窟庵。 Seokguram, located on Mt.Tohamsan, is the representative stone temple of Korea. The official name of Seokguram, National Treasure No. 24, is Seokguram Seokgul. Designated as World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1995, it is an artificial stone temple made of granite. The construction started with Kim Dae-Seong (700~774) in 751 during the reign of King Gyeong-Deok (742~765) of the Silla Dynasty (57 B.C.~A.D. 935) and it was finished twenty-four years later in 774, during the reign of King Hye-Gong (765~780). Seokguram is known to have been built with Bulguksa Temple. According to the history book Samgukyusa of the Goryeo Dynasty (the country that unified the Korean peninsula at the end of the Silla Dynasty, 918~1392), Kim Dae-Seong had built Bulguksa for the parents who were alive, and Seokguram for the parents of his former life. Seokguram is an artificial stone temple made of granite, and is located on the eastern peak of Mt. Toham. Inside the round-shaped main hall, there are the Bonjon Statue, Bodhi-sattva and his disciples. Seokguram was built to preserve these statues. The Bonjon figure wearing a generous smile is seated on the stage engraved with lotus flower design. The rounded ceiling looks like a half-moon or a bow and has a lotus flower decorated cover on it. As the sunrise from this spot is so beautiful, many people climb the mountain at daybreak. * 当地交通 ●首尔-〉庆州 江南高速巴士客运站(地铁3号线, 1号出口)→庆州,需要4小时30分钟,首班车06:00 末班车23:55. 东首尔客运站(地铁2号线,江边站)→庆州,需要时间4小时,首班车07:00末班车24:00 ● 庆州-〉 1. 汽车 ①从庆州郊外汽车站·高速汽车站·庆州火车站对面乘坐10路, 11路市内公交,在佛国寺停车场下车.(汽车发车间隔为8分钟/ 需要40分钟) ②从佛国寺乘坐开往石窟庵的12路班车(发车间隔为1个小时, 需要15分钟),步行需要1小时. 2. 计程车 : 从庆州郊外汽车站搭乘计程车到达石窟庵停车场需要30 ~ 40分钟 * 详细资讯 1. 咨询电话 : 佛国寺观光指南所 +82-54-746-4747 (韩英日中) -旅游咨询热线 +82-54-1330 (韩英日中) -网站http://www.sukgulam.org(韩) 2. 开放时间 : 冬季(11月-2月)07:00 ~ 17:00 / 夏季(3月-10月) 07:00 ~ 18:00 Local Transportation ● Seoul→Gyeongju Gangnam Express Bus Terminal(Subway Line No.3, Exit No.1)→Gyeongju, takes 4 hours 30 minutes, first bus 06:00/last bus 23:55. Dongseoul Terminal(Subway Line No.2, Gangbyeon Station)→Gyeongju, takes 4 hours, first bus 07:00/last bus 24:00 ● From Gyeongju 1. Bus ① Take bus No. 10 or 11 at the opposite side of Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal, Gyeongju Bus Terminal, Gyeongju Station, and get off at Bulguksa Temple (15 minutes interval/40 min ride). ② Take bus No. 12 from Bulguksa Temple to Seokguram Grotto (1 hour interval) or take a walk for an hour. 2. Taxi: Takes 30 or 40 minutes from Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal to Seokguram Grotto. Detailed Info -Information: Bulguksa Temple Tourist Information Center +82-54-746-4747 (Eng, Kor, Jpn, Chn) Korea travel Phone +82-54-1330 (Eng, Kor, Jpn, Chn) -Hours: 7 a.m.~5 p.m. (November-February)/7 a.m.~6 p.m. (March-October)










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