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来源:宝莲禅寺   作者:
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  越南艾扬柏龙塔(Yang Prong Cham Tower)
  艾扬柏龙塔(Yang Prong Cham Tower)位于艾阿苏县的依阿赫辽江边占塔是西原唯一最古老的塔。是在一个较高的青石地基上用红砖兴建的,塔高9米,塔底呈正方形,每边5米,塔仅有一道开朝东方,可以出入的塔门,另外三方为假门,塔顶象洋葱形尖顶,是与其它占塔建筑特别不同之处。
  The tower is 9m high, its square base measures 5m each side. Each face of the tower has three masqueraded doors. There is only one door opened to the east. The roof is made of brick heaped upwards the top.
  Lying by the Ea H’leo River, the tower is an architectural structure of reddish baked bricks, with its top as a flower’s bud. The local E De, M’Nong, Gia Rai natives call tower Yang Prong, means "Great God". Legend has it that at this jungle, a pregnant woman was going to be in labour and her husband went to invite the midwife. When the midwife started her task, she suddenly heard the sound of a flute-kite, which made her forget her duty. When looking back, she found the woman and her baby dead. Grieved at the death of his wife, the husband got angry and beheaded the midwife. The three people were fossilized. The natives called the woman and the baby Yang Prong, the midwife Yang Moi. It is said that the root at the tower’s door was what the woman held when giving birth to her baby. Documents proved that the tower was built by King Sinhavarman III (aka King Che Man, husband of Princess Huyen Tran) in the 13th century. The tower is dedicated to Mukhalinga (symbols of fecundity), in a wish for people’s happiness, multiplied -human race, and prosperity.
  Yang Prong Cham Tower bears cultural features of Cham people. The tower evidences the history of the wet-rice civilization on the highland. The Cham Tower in Dak Lak is special. Few people know about its presence here. On August 3rd, 1991 the Ministry of Culture and Information issued a decision recognizing Yang Prong Cham Tower as an ancient architectural site under the management of the government. This tower is a tourist attraction in the Central Highlands.


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