施沙格庙wat si saket 始建于1818年,是根据澜沧王国时期最后一位君主阿努冯国王的命令而建的,寺庙占地面积大,气势宏伟,融汇了多种建筑艺术,饰以金、银箔和彩色玻璃,令人惊奇,现已成为珍藏老挝古代文化艺术品中心。
The Temple Dating back to 1818, Wat Si Saket is the oldest temple in Vientiane, and one of the only structures in the city to survive the Thai invasion of 1828. It was built in Siamese style. The Lao and Thai styles are quite similar, but the giveaway sign is the terrace surrounding the temple and the five-tiered roof. Its unusual shape kept it safe from the Thai aggressor who destroyed Vientiane in 1828. In 1935 – during the peak of a massive restoration period sponsored by the French - the temple was restored and transformed into a museum.
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