泰国沙攀辛寺(Wat Saphan Hin)
沙攀辛寺(Wat Saphan Hin)又称为石桥寺,有一座大石铺成的似桥长阶,200公尺, 虽还能通行,但已崩落倾圮,让人走起来心惊胆颤。据蓝坎亨王留下的石碑记载,沙攀辛寺是一位高僧住的地方, 同时也是蓝坎亨王看地势、替整个城市寻找水源之处,每到重要节日他也会骑着大象来些敬拜。
高12.5公尺的阿塔洛佛是一座立佛,高高地站在沙攀辛寺中,伸出右手,默默地保护这整个城市, 随着佛的手,我们可以看见这块美丽富庶的土地,想象当年的蓝坎亨王运筹帷幄的气魄!
into Sukhothai literally means ‘Dawn of Happiness’. It has an area of 6,596 sq. kms. is about 427 kms. (267 miles) north of Bangkok, and was founded in the year 1238 A. D. Sukhothai was capital of
Thailand for approximately 120 years. It is administratively divided into 9 Amphoes Muang, Ban Dan Lan Hoi, Khiri Mat, Kong Krailat, Sawankhalok, Si Nakhon, Si Samrong, Si Satchanalai and Thung Saliam. Sukhothai was the first kingdom of the Thais in this Peninsula. Two Princes -Pho Khun Pha Muang of Muang Rat and Pho Khun Bang Klang Thao of Muang Bangyang - combined their forces and fought the Khmers who commanded an extensive empire throughout this part of the world. It is a wonderful tourist destination and lots of visitors come to this place every year. Wat Saphan Hin, Sukhothai is one of such tourist attractions.
Wat Saphan Hin, Sukhothai is situated on a hill 200 meters high. A pathway of slate slabs leads to the sanctuary yard. Wat Aranyik is located near Wat Saphan Hin, Sukhothai. In the Aranyik area, dwelling places for monks (kuti), caves, and the bases of ubosots and viharns line the pathway to the sanctuary. Wat Saphan Hin, Sukhothai is located to the west of the old city, perched on top of a hill overlooking the plain. The name means ‘stone bridge’, in reference to the slate path and staircase that leads to the temple and remains intact today. The remnants consist of a few chedis, a ruined viharn and a 12.5 m high standing Buddha image
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