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  • The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality

    ·期刊原文The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality by Faure, BernardReviewed by D.E. ...its practitioners to human existence as if by a red thread. His focus is on ...

    Faure, Bernard


  • Wake Up and Cook: Kitchen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文Wake Up and Cook: Kitchen Buddhism in Words and Recipes,Ed. by Carole TonkinsonReviewed by ...ca n resist reading a recipe poem by Gary Snyder or "A Recipe for Cleaning the Mind" by ...

    Carole Tonkinson


  • A Translation of the Samdhinirmocana Sutra

    ·期刊原文Wisdom of Buddha: A Translation of the Samdhinirmocana SutraBy John PowersReviewed by Tom Graham Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic BuddhismV. 1 (2000)pp. 187-189Copyright 2000 by The International ...

    John Powers


  • 英文电影《佛陀》即将开拍 讲述释迦牟尼佛一生

    produced by the Spice Infotainment Ltd, is believed to be the most expensive film ever made in Bollywood ...Gowariker said that the script of the movie has been written by Academy Award winner David Ward and will be ...



  • 斯里兰卡僧人首次在欧洲议会发表演讲

    Parliament by leading Time for Reflection before the main business of the day. Although monks are ...develop. The old term Raja can today be replaced by the government and the ten duties of the king can ...



  • 英国伊普斯威奇一佛教中心将举行落成仪式(图)

    Dedication of the new Centre performed by the Order's founder, Urgyen Sangharakshita. ...



  • 纪念佛教僧侣首次讲经日 斯里兰卡总统参加佛事活动

    the Nikkini Poya Bana delivered by Ven. Bulumulle Sumanarathana Thero at the Kandy President's House ...



  • The Experience of Buddhism

    ·期刊原文The Experience of Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations by John S. StrongReviewed by Herbert V... A Historical Introduction, by Richard Robinson, as revised by Willard Johnson, contains...

    John S. Strong


  • Apropos of Feigls Critique of Intuition

    •期刊原文 Apropos of Feigl's Critique of Intuition By Kumataro Kawada Philosophy East & West V. 12 (1962) pp. 163-173 Copyright 1962 by University of Hawaii Press --------------------...

    Kumataro Kawada


  • Candrakiirtis denial of the self

    ·期刊原文 Candrakiirti's denial of the self By James Duerlinger Philosophy East and West Volume 34, no.3 July 1984 P.261-272 (C) by the University of Hawaii Press -----------------------...

    James Duerlinger

