to be called a scripture. But as most suutras do, it does not begin with the traditional statement "...
Li Rongxi
distill his own thinking out of the conflict between his own traditional heritage and what he adopted from...own cultural heritage and called for a revival in the traditional Japanese sensibility to man and to ...
Isamu, Nagami
important teachings including the traditional Buddhist cosmological levels, the four applications of ...
Gwendolyn Bays
magnificent coastline north of San Francisco.
The traditional Buddhist monument, found everywhere across...
Daniel, Sneider
reformers are "selectively traditional and selectively modern." The conceptions of Wisdom and Compassion...Sumathipala had this status, as did some more traditional lay figures of authority, such as Dr. Adikaram who...
George D. Bond
spiritual in a traditional,religious way, you need to convince them that creating anykind of ...
Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.
reconciliation and unification of Buddhism and Chinese traditional culture(s) as well as the development of ... transformed and became an important part of Chinese traditional culture(s). Editing and researching...
as non-Chinese, whose traditional cultural and moral values could not resist the compelling forces ...secular world, which differs significantly from the traditional Buddhist emphasis of self-reflection and...
Rey-Sheng Her
traditional Buddhist moral rules and meditation discipline too strict.
23.藏族人信仰佛教。藏传佛教俗称“喇嘛教”。在公元7世纪吐蕃...Buddhism did not have much influence in China due to the prevailing traditional Chinese culture.
some of the ways in which Buddhism (traditional and western, contemplative and engaged) is relevant ...Ultimately, this volume shows that both are needed. The responses of traditional and engaged Buddhism can...
Eric Sean Nelson