phenomenology stress the value of reflecting reality as it is without imposing false images or impressions; ...methodologies that fall into one of two categories: a one-on-one comparison of a particular philosopher or ...
Steven W. Laycock
unassailable fortress of his own silence. Unfortunately (or, perhaps rather fortunately)...ecstasies, variously defined by different traditions. Moreover, whether he remains silent or...
Luis O. Gomez
on identity (or nondifference). This implies, according to our interpretation, the thesis that some ...subject (pak.sa or dharmin) and is analogous to the minor term. The latter is called the probandum (...
Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti
of consciousness? Can consciousness actively will its own perceptions or is it, on the contrary, ...inquiry into consciousness with the claim that a substantial unified self does not exist, or that no ...
David Appelbaum and Ingrid Tur
made an appearance anywhere else in East Asia, and, if so, to what extent it resembles or has any ...for it, and the population at large.
At the center of this study is a ritual, or more accurately, a ...
characteristic doctrine of the Platonic or Neo-Platonic tradition, was certainly the highest reality for ... activity, conscious or otherwise. Now, for the Neo-Platonists, the "Good" was also defined as being...
Laurence J. Rosan
the sequence or took it in some other combination of steps.
The following paragraphs are adapted from...already developed, or yet-to-be-developed models can be applied and of which one or another might ...
Milton K. Munitz
some of the major aspects of Buddhistpsychology. The survey is confined to the texts of Early, or ...obstacle to one's understanding of Early Buddhism, or indeed anyother ancient system of thought. For...
Padmal, Silva
developed a mystical neurophysiology.
Ornstein's attempted reconciliation or synthesis of science and ...last two decades or so, much has been learned about how the brain works. Of most importance to ...
John A. Schumacher and Robert
Vishaalakshmir* daha or Visaalaakshir∞ daha 'the whirlpool of disastrous water' or 'whirlpool of...some "cases moulded ogee or doubleogee fashion and "protected by means of an ...
Gaur Das Bysack