Monitor), a weekly news periodical (Time), two religious periodicals (Christian Century...Century, New Republic, and Nation to varying degrees, seemed to feature the ...
Lisa M. Skow; George N. Dionis
But Barlaam and Josaphat were unknown saints before the seventh century A.D....first century A.D. In either case direct intercourse with Alexandria and the Roman ...
J. Kennedy
requirements of the outside world and the future.
As the world strides into the twenty-first century,... In the next century, what kind of a world will we live in? How willwe work? What moral values shall...
Guo Z
Christian tradition, by the 8th century; embodiedsoul as an integral aspect of person is eliminated and ...consciousness of science and technology untilthe middle of this century. Science could investigate ...
Picard C
century. Dialogue between nations, dialogue between capital and labor, dialogue ...age to age, as we have seen so dramatically in the 20th century. Our task at present is ...
William Johnston
Canada at century's close.In the now-familiar story of the mass roundup and detention[1] during ...expansionist Japanesegovernment.[4] Its founder, Shinran (11731262), a 12th-century monksometimes ...
Akira Ichikawa
all the cases I have cited from that remarkable sixth century, there is a common denominator: on the...part of the sixth-century axial revolution; and he carried it a step farther. Whereas the main ...
Robert C. Neville
century A. D. (Vide the. Dipava^msa edited by Oldenberg, Introduction, pp. 8-9). Dr. Geiger has ...to 352 A. D.
At the close of the 4th century A. D. there ...
Dr.Bimala Churn Law
seighteenth-century colonial states. In all likelihood, Madison might havebeen surprised to find the ...Protestant community of the eighteenth century,contemporary American society is characterized by an extreme ...
Chloe Anne Breyer
lived in the eleventh or twelfth century of the Christian era. The verses, the authorship ...seventeenth century. The island of Srngala with the beautiful town on it, is not to be seen ...
Bhavaraj V. Krishnarao