with the rest, now in a pluralist world share the same history. How will each understand that history and its context in a cosmic history? While these are issues ...
Arnold Wettstein
for certain how much is history and how much is hagiography. Yet from a mythic perspective that is not...curious history of the Bodhisattva story indicates perhaps the main danger in both religions. In ...
J. J. Clarke
of history and he was instrumental for the compilation of the Mahavamsa. The ...further and bring the history up to his time he did not conclude it in the usual way. But ...
Siddhartha, R.
Following this largely philosophicaldiscussion, Hook-ham then presents a brief history of theShentong tradition and an outline of the textual history ofthe Ratnagotravibhaga and its ...
HookHam, S.K.
out and united. This was a historic development in the history of Education in India.
...college and universities. In the history of Education those universities played major role in the ...
Dr. Pranab Kumar Bar
towards prisoners, is still recorded in the History of Great Viet: “I live in the Court, warmed by the ... the realm of social science such as History, Literature, or Philosophy, we also must know these ...
Most Ven. Dr. Thich
1991年,第2020页。 [4] T25?p70a。 [5] 印顺《说一切有部为主的论书与论师之研究》,正闻出版社,台湾,1992年,第17页。 [6] é.Lamotte,History ...] é.Lamotte,History of Indian Buddhism,from the Origins to the?aka Era,English tr.Sara WebbBoin,...
部以(中印方言)鬼语诵戒,系承大迦旃延的学派,并见於西藏布顿所着的《佛教史》(History of Buddhism by Bu-ston)。 玄奘所译的《异部宗轮论》(《大正藏》四九·一五页...
mountains in China. They all have long history, rich and varied Buddhist Culture. They also have very ...
Japanese religious history and culture, comparative philosophical studies, and cross-cultural ...
Notro R. Thelle