appendixes. Chapter 1, which was added in the second edition, provides a brief historical overview ...origination).
A brief but particularly insightful and well-written section of the first chapter is ...
By Venerable Nyanaponika Thera
trust I will not appear to be thin-skinned in making a brief response to Professor Steven...
William R. LaFleur
would concern his brief preliminary commentary to the translation. Some ...
Michael W. Charney
reasoning and action" (p. 59). Following the brief but excellent ...two chapters, the first on crime and punishment and the second a brief biography of ...
Yelle, Robert A.
similar process in the domains of society and politics, respectively. The last chapter is a brief ...dharma, or duty, is for its own sake and not for the sake of others.
After a brief digression, ...
Daya Krishna
narrative, along with his brief allusions to the myth-making, will enlighten the reader. It's an ...originally promised by the title and introduction. Fundamentally this is a brief history of Tibet ...
Lee Feigon
已经悄然来临。在这个充满挑战和机遇的时代,我们该如何? 关键词:全球化 信息化 文化传播 和平 网络佛教 A Brief Discussion on the Dissemination of...
volume. The preliminaries also include a very brief Foreword by Tenzin Gyatsho, the fourteenth Dalai ...
Nathan Katz
10seconds. Myonghaeng calls it a "brief experience of your Buddha nature."
Chongdo, or "clear path,...
Michael Baker
Jaini provides a brief but thorough treatment of Abhidharmic textual references to smrti, raising ...
Janet Gyatso