马偕医院首度引进‘安宁照顾’(hospice care)的理念,1990年成立了台湾第一家安宁病房。[5] 后来卫生署将‘安宁照顾’改为‘安宁疗护’,表示在照顾的过程中,还是需要有医疗。[6] 此后“hospice care”除了有‘安宁疗护’、‘安宁照顾’的译名外,尚有社会学者翻译成‘善终照顾’[7] 或‘善终服务’[8] 等等。[9] 有一位医护人员认为:‘安宁疗护的宗旨是为了善终,让病患及家属...
overview of Tibetan medicine, coupled with a Western-educated nurse's experience during the care ...therefore, more culturally appropriate and betternursing care was possible. The article also relates ...
S. S. Begley
Cultural beliefs about modesty, husband's involvement, self-care relationship between health and ...breastself-examinations (BSE) and Papanicolaou smears (PAP), include limitedaccess to health care, ...
Hoeman SP; Ku YL; Ohl DR
) or an unwantedburden whose life could easily be shortened, but instead as a girl in needof care. ...and over the next few months gave devotedand unceasing care until she died.
I do not relate this ...
C.S Campbell
organization may have its specific objectives. The main objective of Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation(莲花基金会) is hospice care. While the main objective of Taipei Kuanyin Counseling Hot Line Association(...
Shih Weijing
do that.”、“You can’t measure spiritual care.”
和团队之间有充分的信任关系,和病患之间更是有绝对的、健康的信赖关系。用这样的基础,每天轻松的、自由的、...care-giving, is not doctrine or dogma, but the capacity to enter into the world of others, and ...
释惠敏 释宗惇共著
as a cause of illness. In Watson's theory, nurses care forpersons in the integrality of their three ...principle of the soul. She believes that care of thesoul, attending to embodied consciousness, is the ...
Picard C
care):身、心、灵 觉性照顾(care of awareness):身、受、心、法 灵性照顾与觉性照顾之异同:身、心、灵 vs. 身、受、心、法
§l. 前言--所谓“全人” 的...“灵性照顾” (spiritural care) 的理念与运动。但是,“身、 心、灵”只是讨论人的本质诸观点之一种,是否能 完全适应每一个人的人生观或信仰?是否需要更宽 广的解释或其他的选择?...
care about our own safety and well-being but we should also reach out and help those in need give ...CleansingBuddhists must observe every face and every corner of the society with wisdom and care and ...
Huang Shu
need to take care of the five elements and purify and re-energize them so that they become strong and ...taking care of them. The energy and elements of our body and mind are a microcosm, that mirror the ...