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  • 一个禅师的文学养成教育──大慧与觉范慧洪的友谊

    enlightenment and training.       Key words: 1. Dahui Zonggao 2. Juefan Huihong 3. Chan 4. Song ...the many kinds of training, education and experience Da-hui received in the twenty years before he ...



  • 英国苏格兰15名僧人在阿蓝岛闭关静修四年 近日出关

    monastery and international centre of Buddhist training, located near the River Esk in Eskdalemuir ...



  • 探索禅与大脑的秘密

    How else can we conceptualize the process of long-range Zen meditative training? One suggestion is ...egocentric self. Only then, during decades of gradually re-training our pre-attentive mode of attention, ...



  • Addiction, Spirituality, And Politics

    people, and poorpeople. Tena Okun ( 1992), training director of Grassroots Leadership,articulated the...training andtherapy groups break the emotional isolation between people. People inthese groups cross ...

    Morell C


  • 净慧法师说生活禅(英文):Master Jing Hui Presents Sheng Huo Chan

    never gold him the essence of Chan training. So , one day, Long Tan said to his master: "Since I ...clearly tells us a simple truth: Those engaged in Chan training live a life suffused with the crux of ...



  • Go east, young monk: A western touch at a buddhist blast

    all beings." What training is like Myonghaeng, which means "bright action," says, "almost every ...recently underwent three weeks of monk training which helikens to "army boot camp." Up at 3 a.m., the ...

    Michael Baker


  • Simone Weil and somatic practice

    for implementing a new system for training skilled workers in France, but the notion pointed well beyond the problems associated with vocational training (Weil 1956, p. 496; Weil 1987c, p. 59). Weil ...

    Ann Pirruccello


  • Tibetan Buddhist Pointers on Religious Education

    is characterized by the bodhisattva training in the six perfections (Sanskrit: pāramita): giving, ...Based on a solid foundation of this general Mahāyāna training, Tibetan Buddhism offers Tantrayāna ...

    Victoria Urubshurow


  • Japanese Buddhism in America

    new demands were placed on Buddhism. The training of priests remained a problem for sometime as licensure could only be had through training in Japan. This restricted access to the priesthood and ...

    Dr. Stephen G. Covel


  • Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Role of Self-Control Strategies

    conduct is part of this training and preparation, meditation is considered a crucial ingredient. Large ...Although the ultimate goal of perfection, the arahant state, requires a long series of regular training...

    Padmal de Silva

