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  • Two Notes on the Ancient Geography of India

    On palaeographical evidence they may beassigned to the third century of our era. A paper ...assume that it was animportant port in the second century of our era when such avivid trade was ...

    J. Ph. Vogel


  • Miscellaneous Communications

    one side, the view that he founded the so- called Saka era commencing in A.D,. 78, ...Seleucidan era which began in B.C. 312: that is, the year 3 mentioned in connexion with Kanishka ...

    Fleet, J.F.


  • The accommodation of Korean folk religion

    and development of Buddhism during the era of the Three Kingdoms in ancient Korea. ...three world religions of that era: Buddhism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. in this ...

    James Huntley Grayson


  • The Historical Structure of the Eternal

    Buddhism, the so-called Mappoo Era or the eschaton for the Buddha Law, the Eternal Buddha has revealed ...Mappoo Era, the third stage of the evolution of Buddhism, is understood to be the incarnation of the ...

    Makoto Ozaki


  • 释尊的教团及行化

    (Bhiks.u)。 (二)比丘尼(Bhiks.un.i)。 (三)式叉摩尼(Siks.ama-n.a)。 (四)沙弥(man.era)。 (五)沙弥尼(man....



  • 如何分辨真假僧人及供养南传出家人指南

    ______________  [2]文章内所指的南传出家人皆包括了所有受具足227戒的南传比库(bhikkhu)与沙马内拉(sāma?era,沙弥)两者。  [3]施主,巴利文为dayaka义为布施...



  • A newly discovered Copperplate from Tippera

    Year 188 Current (Gupta Era)] By Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharyya The Indian Historical Quarterly ...easily referred to the Gupta Era, for the letters as well as the symbols mostly agree ...

    Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharyya


  • Buddhism and ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds

    of world religions to ecological issues in an era in which " f rom resource depletion and species ...

    Steven Heine


  • Fire and water: Basic issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity

    interreligious dialogue in the postcolonial era. His notions of "symbiosis" and ...

    Pieris. A.


  • The Karma of Words

    and symbolism of impermanence, in the hermitage poetry of late Heian and Kamakura era pilgrims; and ...

    William R. LaFleur

