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  • The Historical Structure of the Eternal

    last and ultimate position in all the history of Buddhism. With the appearance of Nichiren in history,...and final person in all the history of Buddhism. He is not an accidental but a necessary appearance ...

    Makoto Ozaki


  • The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Perspective

    argue for committing to Buddhism or some other traditional faith. The point is simply that we cannot ...Buddhism is unique among the major religions in the way it focuses on demystifying the construction ...

    Jonathan Watts & David Loy


  • The Voice of the Buddha

    -185Copyright 2000 by The International Academy of Buddhism,Hsi Lai University --------------------...cannot be underestimated. It was probably through this genie that the teaching and practice of Buddhism ...

    Gwendolyn Bays


  • Zens & zensibility

    theBuddhists! Buddhism has everything: star power, occult mysteries, baldgurus, fortuitous ...easily adaptable toWestern rhythms. Bu-ddha! Bu-ddha! Bu-ddha! That is why Buddhism is on thecover of ...

    Grossberger, Lewis


  • The Indigenous Religion

    ·期刊原文The Indigenous Religion and Theravada Buddhism in Ban Da Tiu:A Dai Lue Village in Yunnan, ...on which Guan has focused--the concomitance of folk religion and Theravada Buddhism in a...

    Anthony R. Walker


  • Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words

    David R. Loy Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity pp. 33-51 ... Dōgen and Eckhart Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity (1996) ...

    David R. Loy


  • Schisms, murder, and hungry ghosts in Shangra-La

    of Tibetan Buddhism sometimes may not be matched by reality, however. In fact, some ...assassination requires some history of Tibetan Buddhism. History behind the Conflict: ...

    Mike Wilson


  • The Bodhisattva Ideal in Theravaad

    of Buddhism the terms "Mahaayaana" and "Hiinayaana" are often set in ...interpretation of Buddhism, these distinctions must continually be reviewed. This ...

    Jeffrey Samuels


  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    in “critically inheriting and creatively developing” the message of primal Buddhism. To justify ...philosophy; (II) Creative Hermeneutics and primal Buddhism: stages 1 through 3; (III) the Lotus Suutra as a ...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko


  • Charming Cadavers: Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in

    analyzed Buddhism and found it to be emancipatory for women because "taking refuge" allowed them to ...egalitarian view of Buddhism. Both Paul and Lang have uncovered what they deem to be misogynistic ...

    Wilson, Liz

