1932年他用英文发表的论文《Development of the Zen Buddhism in China》(《禅宗在中国的发展》),1931至1932年的《中古思想小史》讲课提纲,1934年在...------——武宗灭佛) 六、THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHOD OF CH'AN(禅宗方法的发展)[11] 上述提纲仅仅为论文第一和第六部分,主体部分即第二至第五章,...
廖 峰
Tradition: History and Development, edited by James Foard, Michael Solomon, and Richard K. Payne, Berkeley:...Fujita, 涑ure Land Buddhism in India,?The Pure Land Tradition: History and Development, edited by James ...
role in the development of Indian Buddhist thought.(6) This is attested by the fact that there are...development of Mahayanistic monism in its religious expression."(8) Although Takasaki notes that there ...
ultimately gave new development to Buddhism. The process of confrontation and mutual absorption between ...development a thing has been brought to its fullness. Hence it is said: "Relies upon it and does not know he ...
Jan Yun-Hua
galaxies and their spatial distribution and evolutionary (temporal) scale of development. But, ...varying material composition, structure, functional roles, levels of evolutionary development and so ...
Milton K. Munitz
problem in the development of civilization." Norman O. Brown (1961) sees social organization as a ...Freud saw a parallel between the libidinal development of an individual and the socializing process of ...
David R. Loy
evidence he and
Fields present actually suggests that the development of forms of lay and "family" ...as historical scholarship is concerned. Since no other analysis of the development of the Buddha's ...
Carl T. Jackson. Westport
to the development of a genuine appreciation of this philosophy; and he has here ... development of Maadhyamika thought. For our understanding of Svaatantrika...
Donald S. Lopez
development of human potentiality for its own sake, the true realm of freedom which however can only ... karman or karmic energy. Every man, irrespective of his time, place, and order of development, is ...
R. Puligandla and K. Puhakka
meaning in Indian philosophy has had a very complex and interesting development, much more interesting ...see, in the later development of philosophical systems most of the non-Buddhist philosophers ...
Dhirendra Sharma