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  • Vijnaptimatrata and the Abhidharma

    predispositions (anusaya). In other words, inthe Yogacara system vijnapti comes to be seen as a ...

    King, Richard


  • A Review of Metaphysics: East & West

    nature.==== P.363 As the 20th century comes to a close, it would ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upanisads?

    comes to the Upani.sadic position is per- -----------------------------------------------------------...

    Pratap Chandra


  • Wei-wu-wei: Nondual action

    of action (which depend entirely on the limited nature of actions) -- and hence it comes to resemble...

    David Loy


  • Welcome to the mind-body revolution

    to points in time, as in the present moment." The eye comes to a screeching halt ...

    Marc Barasch


  • Attaa, Nirattaa, and Anattaa in the early Buddhist literature

    Mahaayaana. Section V comes to the conclusion that the anattaa doctrine ... that death is the ultimate end of every thing, and comes to believe in the false view ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    is form's lack of origination and cessation ... In this way non-clinging comes to be, as a result ...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Whiteheads Differences from Buddhism

    think it is the great Anglo-American who comes nearest to giving us what ancient Greece, Judea, and ...

    Hartshorne, Charles


  • Zen and American Philosophy

    to reach all that he needs. The seeing comes in a flash, as in seeing a joke. Though it is the joy ... the first-hand fact comes first and last for him, as for Zen. In both, there is a fruitful tension ...

    Van Meter Ames


  • Zen and Ethics: Dogens Synthesis

    Whence comes value? and What isthe relation of being and doing? As the Zennist seeks theAbsolute ...

    Douglas A.Fox

