to be some general agreement that mind is to be understood in terms of such things as thoughts, ...concern in Buddhist philosophy, [1] and in later developments such as Chinese Ch'an Buddhism, the ...
Robert B. Zeuschner
having as one of its goals its own demise. It is easy to construct a philosophy that refutes itself...student in a place he was not in before. Philosophy is used as a means for putting an end to itself ...
John Visvader
light of all the available material.
One Vadavidhi, as it is known, is quoted by...two papers will be abbreviated as follows: OFD and BLBD, so NV for ...
Giuseppe Tucci
suppressed idea and keep it out of consciousness. What has been thus repressed returns to consciousness as a...very qualities it tried to avoid.
While Freud considered repressed sexuality as the main culprit ...
David R. Loy
itself in the northern countries, such as Tibet, China, and Japan, it gave rise to such off-shoots as Zen...an impact on the development of Hindu thought, as can be seen in the work of `Sa^nkara. [4] He thus ...
R. D. Gunaratne
Wei-wu-wei, "the action of nonaction, " is the central paradox of Taoism and as a concept is second ...of someone who has realized the Tao as wu-wei:
... Thus, the wise man deals with things through wu-...
David Loy
doing lots of good deeds so as to accumulate merits, only will one have atruly good and fortunate child...
collect Karmic debts. "As you sow so shall you reap, It is all written in your name; Good or bad, ...
traditions to speak to the many forms of violence in the modern world. Even as religious traditions ...extent of what are to be considered "peace" and the "subverting of hatred." Posed as a plain question, ...
Paul Waldau
development and evolution of ChineseBuddhism. As Dr. Cheng points out, the style and approach ...of the Middle Way (ChungLun). As the latter is generally recognized to be from thepen of the ...
Alan Fox