second, he uses that life as "an opportunity to interpret the broader nineteenth-century ...view Olcott less as an individual and more as an emblem of a particular moment in ...
Jacob N. Kinnard
Literature in the Faculty of Letters at the University of Tokyo. In 1943, at an exceptionally young age,... glance one gets the impression that each trunk is an individual tree. However, upon closer ...
Sengaku Mayeda
tradition as expressed in an altogether remarkable lifetime lived largely in the West, but always in...Way" to the West, was in the closing years of his life engaged in its retransmission back to China, an...
Bloom, Irene
On the other hand, to say that it is an imaginary entity is to destroy the very doctrine of avidyaa...itself to be an illusion.
There are two ways out of this dilemma. One of them has been taken by most...
Daniel H. H. Ingalls
changes in the scholarship on Vietnam. With the publication of an article here and a book there, ...fully its ambitious goals, it is, nonetheless, an important addition to Vietnam scholarship.
Li Tana
2. A verdict of mindfulness may be given. This is the verdict of innocence given in an ... This is another verdict of innocence given in an accusation, based on the fact that the accused was...
读平声的“禅”的声母变为[t‘]。在声母发展演变的同时,“禅”的两个读音的韵母也在发展变化,但这个变化是一致的,同时由中古的[i n]变为近现代的[an]。所以,在现代汉语中,“禅”的两个读音分别是[an51]和[t‘an35]。 通过以上论述,我们了解了“禅”的读音和意义的整个演变过程,知道了现代汉语中“禅”的不同读音和意义有着不同的来源,在日常生活使用中不可混同。下面我们看一下《现代汉语...
Buddhist Psychology, an apt but relatively uninformative description of its contents, the title now ...of anattā (ego selflessness) and paṭicca-samuppāda (dependent origination), and so forth. An ...
By Venerable Nyanaponika Thera
Buddhism, Sanskrit Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism, with an Introductory Essay by Chogyam Trungpa, ... meditation and training (p. 20). The article concludes with an argument to the point that defense ...
Nathan Katz
Japanese Buddhism, Sanskrit Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism, with an Introductory Essay by Chogyam Trungpa, ...avoiding meditation and training (p. 20). The article concludes with an argument to the point that ...
Frank J. Hoffman