be no deception. We do not know what Kumaarajiiva's understanding of Emptiness was from these ...following tale of a possible friction between the two masters over the understanding of emptiness:
The ...
Whalen Lai
and understanding. Where he relies on older translations within the Sanskrit tradition, ...to an understanding of what Buddhism may still have to offer in the modern world. After ...
John S. Strong
understanding of both Hui-neng and Shen-shiu emerges in contrast to treatments of Shen-shiu as ...details facilitating historical understanding.
One oddity, however, is that an anecdote about D. T...
John C. Wu
study of Buddhism, one must have an understanding of the meaning of Buddhist learning or an explanation...tripod none of which must be missing. Likewise, from the viewpoint of the understanding of the meaning, ...
medieval society, but even more because it involved a radically new understanding of our human ...This way of understanding our past originated in the Renaissance, whose intellectuals were eager to ...
David Loy
understanding, so that the reader still remains in doubt concerning the real meaning of du.hkha. Surely the ...grasped static nature; for that seems to be the only way a perspective or an understanding of our very ...
Kenneth K. Inada
Rev, Chao Chu :Understanding the Mind.) (1992.6.《新雨月刊》第57期)
the consolidation of the friendship and understanding between the nation and its people,the ...
Such scientific results show a rather different perception of Buddhism than the understanding that...the history of this (mis)understanding. He concludes that it had less to do with the rudimentary ...
Roger-Pol Droit
historical moments that encourage an understanding of the world view, life-style, and deep dynamics of ...Understanding Religious Man. The Prentice-Hall series has apparently abandoned the idea of an ...
LaFleur, William R