the officially secular character of public institutional life,including education, religion is a ...a deliberatelysecular social studies or citizenship in keeping with the spirit of the warsettlement....
Klaus Luhmer
Although a number of Buddhist scholars have examined the doctrine of "skill-inmeans" (upaya-... concept in relation to Nagarjuna. Given that upaya is a central doctrine in the early Mahayana ...
John Schroeder
CHINESE TRANSFORMATION Of Buddhism has been a long and complicated process, but it can be summed up in one sentence, namely, "from an Indian religion of non-ego, it has become in China a humanistic ...
Wing-Tsit Chan
express a more humanistic Buddhism: the lay meditation movement and the socially engaged Buddhist movement... to provide alternatives to SBF and SBN that redefine Buddhism in a more humanistic light.
I. ...
George D. Bond
A SIX-YEAR-OLD Tibetan boy named as a key religious figure has stirred abitter new row between ... who died in 1989 and whosespirit is believed to be reincarnated in a child, stayed behind when ...
Sheila, Tefft
Albany, NY: State University of NewYork Press, 1996. Pp. 446. $24.95.)
Engaged Buddhism represents a considerably expanded discussion begun in a1990 panel at the American Academy of Religion entitled "...
Michael G. Barnhart
Siddhartha Gautama achieved his spiritual goal and began teaching. The path he taught consisted of a code of conduct, a variety of meditation techniques, and doctrines about the nature of the world and ...
H.H.Tep Vong
consisted of a code of conduct, a variety of meditation techniques, and doctrines about the nature of the world and humanity. Buddhism is a varied tradition and aspects include fundamentalism, devotional ...
H.H. Maha Sangharaja
噜噜噜噜lu 底瑟吒di se zha 篅啰阿羯利 shuo la a jie li 沙夜吽sha ye hong 癹莎诃po suo he(此根本咒) 唵(ong或an) 钵蹋摩bo ta mo 震多摩尼...曩谟三满哆na mo san man duo 母驮喃mu tuo nan 阿钵啰底a bo la di 贺多舍he duo she 娑曩喃suo nang nan 怛侄他da zhi tuo 唵(ong...
THIS ARTICLE is a discussion of a basic philosophical concept of the East-the "desirelessness" of Buddhism-and a basic philosophical concept of the...
Laurence J. Rosan