rolls back over itself touching segments it may have been thought to have advanced ... blending of Tendai (which itself was a Chinese and Japanese effort to accomodate all ...
Wallace Gary
they cause. The self must continually lose itself in the shadowy world of impermanence to realize itself ultimately as liberated from what is still involved in the unceasing process of continual ...
Steven Heine
itself into existence. Neither can an existent one, as it is there already.[8] So no being in our ...itself a part of that system, not something existing prior to it.[26] The system provides criteria ...
Ives Waldo
Neither from itself nor from another, Nor from both, Nor without a cause, Does anything ...Therefore, Nagarjuna says that nothing can arise from itself.
Does this mean that cause and effect ...
John Schroeder
measurement. Experience itself is perhaps ultimately ineffable as C. I. Lewis uses the term, [7] but the ...explanation which in not intended to be substituted for the experience itself. My approach to the ...
Chung-Ying Cheng
that are habitually or erroneously maintained, since positionality itself is ...But the focus-field metaphor itself unfortunately seems to retain much of the ...
Peter D. Hershock
itself, has led to a closer relationship with man's spiritual nature. In the past, ...leading question is the meaning of Being itself and its unfolding destiny. In that regard, he ...
Steven Heine
given the chance to apply or manifest itself cogently in one's experience. Of course, to ... from the start and quite abruptly, perhaps, by the term itself, aghast that one ...
Kenneth K. Inada
As long as Miimaa.msaa occupied itself with the development of a hermeneutical ...knowledge and perception as knowledge itself, but in either case perception is primarily ...
Jeffrey R. Timm
language were left to religion.Philosophy would concern itself primarily with reference, ...capital of Kyoto (Heian)itself. The country was filled with kami(e), a sacred presence ...