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  • Buddhism and Christianity in Japan: From Conflict to Dialogue,

    the past and ignores the future. A new Protestant theology assimilating Buddhist-Confucian symbols ...

    Notro R. Thelle


  • 苏塔难陀长老——佛教与慈善

    Dana which provides pleasant happiness in both present and future life. Among the ten paramies for ...some future birth, that he might spread abroad saving truths for the sustains of suffering humanity. ...



  • Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity

    work serves as a model for future scholars wishing to present translations of key East Asian ...does little, however, to detract from an excellent work, one that sets standards for future Chinese ...

    Peter N. Gregory


  • Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition

    could not have imagined that the "future generations" for whom he so painstakingly ... future. And despite his fears, later generations have not laughed at his efforts. ...

    Helene Bowen Raddeker


  • Monastic Training System of the Jogye Or

    the postulants, must observe whether they have what it takes to make future monastics by thoroughly ...scriptures and studies takes place. Future professors and specialized abilities are cultivated at ...

    Ven. Pupchin


  • 导师的话:道在平常日用中

    present, or future, are all arising from conditions: “I am expounding and declaring the causes.” The ...they are only concerned with worldly benefits in this and future lives -health, longevity, wealth, a ...



  • The Oriental Religious and American Thought: Nineteenth-Century Explorations

    culture." Although he thinks the future is unclear, he is winning to say that "the contemporary ...prac­tices; future plans; and publications. The "concluding remarks" ending the treatment of each...

    Carl T. Jackson. Westport


  • Identity and the unity of experience: A critique of Nishidas theory

    future, in effect,infinitely creates itself through an infinity of individual focal ... system where each monadic self is said toreflect the eternity, past, present and future, of the ...

    Putney, David


  • Collins, Parfit, and the problem of personal identity

    it for future consideration; and he follows Lichtenberg and Williams in arguing that while "[p]... and systematic account of the proposed redescription. Future debate on this point will have to ...

    Matthew Kapstein


  • New Metaphysics for Eternal Experience

    contain the future except inoutline. Change, if it is real, consists in adding orcreating ...makes a difference to what willoccur, a difference that would be missing if the future werewholly ...

    Waley, Arthur

