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  • The Doctrine of Awakening

    had connections among the, Fascists and the Nazis. After World War II he ...

    Julius Evola


  • The Doctrine of Kaya in Hinayana and Mahayana

    this world like any other human being and subject to all the frailties of a mortal body. ... and good conduct, happy, a knower of the world, unsurpassed, a leader able to ...

    Nalinaksha Dutt


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    compassionate Bodhisattvas have transmitted from one to another.After the Parinirvaa.na[35] of the World ... equally true that all things are truly empty. 11. Suchness[r] describes the world when seen 'as it...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • The Lalitavistara and Sarvastivada

    ordinary man of the world, it is repeatedly said that this is due to lokanuvartanakriyadharmata, the rule of acting in accordance with the practice of the world. In ...

    Thomas, E. J.


  • An analysis of a sinitic Mahaayaana phenomenon

    encompasses the whole world: the implication of a Mind-Only idealism is already ... this triple world is mind only. "(13) A Tang translation of Avatamsaka suutra into ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The nature and function of Naagaarjunas arguments

    opponents, he feels, take language to be reflective of the nature of the world so that if we have a word...perception (VV 67), or to seeing that the world does not vanish or remain immutably (R 1.63) -- or that...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The ordination of a tree

    rapidly changing world of industrialization and modernizationas to create an environmental ...of the religion,and the Buddha's admonitions to relieve suffering in the world. Theirmovement does ...

    Susan M, Darlington


  • The Sautrantika arguments

    Present and Future, pp. 187-188. "A world-state proposition in the tense-logical ...world; and that in turn is simply to be the case when such-and-such a world-proposition is ...

    A.Charlene McDermott


  • The Silence of the Buddha

    The Blessed One has left unelucidated, has set aside and rejected-that the world is eternal, that the world is not eternal, that the world is finite,that the world is ...



  • The Sovereign All-Creating Mind

    worldview is in fact espoused by the KBG. Although she does contrast two ways of being in the world, ...nameless world of blissful silence in integrated being.(P.39) Earlier she refers to the Atiyoga ...

    E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay

