condition for the formation of a nation is a common instrument of communication, a language. ... a people develops about their common history, experience, and destiny. That is, ...
T.K. Oommen
specific investigations of its metaphysical dimensions.
2. Common to the three is an intense ...study makes no pretense of being a distillation of a common body of ideas into a common ground, nor an...
Hsin-sheng C. Kao
common sense. Even later works show that to observe the spirit and not the letter was the ...The common people are said at the same period to be omophagous, amad (Kanva text...
E. Washburn Hopkins
of all smoke as smoke and of all fire as fire, without the help of the connection based on a common... common feature and hence even less so would the innumerable members of the class of all smokes and ...
Roy W. Perrett
life of the common people. It stimulated people's imaginations aboutthe haunting vengeful spirits ...liberation (salvation) ofthe common people in this world. They played the role of spiritual advisorto the ...
Takeda John
ceremonies and rituals of Buddhist purification. It will rather attempt an objective analysis of the common...suffering, the ontological basis. It is only in and by ontology that a common basis, a common ground ...
Kenneth K. Inada
expulsion from the Order.[3] Yet, in Tibet, one of the most common images is that of the yab-yum in ...one thing in common. With their minds focussed more and more on political paramountcy and the ...
Kenneth Chen
family resemblances": Rather than any one characteristic being common to all instances, there are ...very common. In his commentary on the Chuang-tzu, Kuo Hsiang criticized it: "Hearing the theory of ...
David Loy
Scholars nowadays tend to hold that the Ten Stages in the Prajbaparamita-sutras are the common ...In the Prajbaparamita-sutras, there co-exist the Common Ten Stages of the Three Vehicles and the Non...
Gandhi built "ashrams" or communal retreats wherein members shared common meals, manual labor, and a set ...have room for an individual good that may be different from, although not opposed to, the common good...
Vasanthi Srinivasan