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  • The Early Buddhist Notion of the Middle Path

    middle path, thereby relating itself to the Praj~naapaaramitaa doctrine of the indefinable and ...emptiness) is a dependent concept and that itself is the middle path. (Ya.h pratiityasamutpaada.h `...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • The I Ching in the Shinto Thought

    Learning, like Banzan, disapproved of Shinto in its existing form, but did not reject Shinto itself. Like ... the Tokugawa period, Shinto distanced itself from Confucianism and established its status as Japan'...

    Wai-ming Ng


  • The Investigative Interrelatedness

    aspects of the mind per se or with the situations in which the mind finds itself are informed by ...

    Mary Carman Rose


  • The Lalitavistara and Sarvastivada

    becomes an omniscient Tathagata. The Boddhisattva-doctrine itself was not new, for all ...

    Thomas, E. J.


  • The Lotus Sutra and Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda

    Buddhas. And each of the Ten Worlds is endowed with all Ten Worlds in itself (this is called the concept ...peace could be attained by correct teaching, so to propagate Nichiren's Buddhism was in itself good....

    He Jingsong


  • kooan and mondoo as linguistic tools of the Zen masters

    is a denial of that assumption. If the statement is true, not only is it itself false, but so is ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • The meaning is the use

    is a denial of that assumption. If the statement is true, not only is it itself false, but so is ...

    Henry Rosemont, Jr.


  • Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War

    interdependence of good and evil shows itself is that we don't know what is good until we know what ...which involve a greater trust or faith in the world itself. The first way is more dualistic: I try to...

    David R. Loy


  • Klesa and Its Bearing On the Yoga Analysis of Mind

    in this life itself, the sa.mskaara of fear and anxiety concerning death cannot be so accounted for,...discern it as it is in itself (svaruupa). Thus failing because of nescience to uncover its nonintentional ...

    Anindita N. Balsev


  • The ordination of a tree

    to cut into the forest to grow maize as asupplementary source of income, and the maize itself ...protecting the forest, it also calls upon the nation itself touphold its moral responsibility to ...

    Susan M, Darlington

