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  • A Graeco-Buddhist Sculpture representingenting The Buddhas Descent from the Heaven of the Thirty-th...

    one can easily understand Fergusson who was not willing to accept Beal's identification.(3) As far as I can ascertain, there are only three Graeco- Buddhist illustrations of the ...

    C.L. Fabri, Leiden


  • An interview with Norman Fischer

    cannot find a way anylonger to take myself and hypostatize it on the altar of Art--I can't dothat. ... how we're in this together, for a long,long time, for the whole life through, and how can we help ...

    John Wright


  • Nirvana and Buddhisi Laymen

    kkhupasamasamkhata) (3). In the same work we find that nibbana can beattained through meditation...the question whether a layman can attainnirvana. We are shocked to read pp. 150-151 of the ...

    Bimala Churn Law


  • Reviews the book `Buddhist Hermeneutics,

    functionally and substantively,that they can properly be considered under the same rubric.Thus the ...former cannot create theory; they can onlyremove barriers to awakening. These are context-...

    Griffiths, Paul J.


  • 慕亚芹:临终关怀与佛教

    accumulated much practical experiences in hospice. However, only Buddhists can benefit from these ...people to finish their life journeys without pain.   This article can be divided into three ...



  • 苏塔难陀长老——佛教与慈善

    means giving doctrinal lectures. In performing the charity we can be able to accomplish three steps ...can see the most wealthy women like Jyotik, Jotil, Ugga, Mendok and Punnakadi who were famous for ...



  • Religion,Culture or National Identify?

    people (that forms the majority in this case) can often generate dissent among the minorities and ...a universal identity that can speak in one voice and reawaken the Buddha’s teachings to make it ...

    Ven Omalpe Sobhita T


  • 我的坦白:想要什么就布施什么

    thinking, "I can become the richest man in America in terms of books." And right then and there I ...

    Joe Vitale,畅销书《精神营销》作者


  • 激活布施公理的大秘密

    you have it. You can give money to any causes you like. I've helped The Red Cross, the Make-A-...

    Joe Vitale,畅销书《精神营销》作者


  • 宗喀巴‘现观庄严论金鬘疏’‘大乘廿僧’释义(2)

    sangs-rgyas nas sems-can gyi don byed-pa dag kyang yod do//  十三、生般的菩萨  20、舍利弗!有菩萨摩诃萨,初发心时便得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提...从一世界至一世界,安立有情于菩提) 'jig-rten gyi khams nas 'jig-rten gyi khams su 'dong zhing de dag du yang sems-can...


