survey of such modern comments will prove helpful, however. It forms part of the history of the ...
Klaus Klostermaier
is surely preempted. In his short history of the traditions which accrete around Wu-tsu's case, R. H...
Magliolia, Robert
History of Philosophy" 9 (1971); 15-41; L. Kennedy, R. Arnold, and A. Millward, The Universal ...Necessity and Intuition," Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (1969): 27-49) is that while Ockham's ...
A. Charlene McDermott
or much of Western history, "rights" were closely tied to social status, and were essentially a ...
Peter D. Hershock
Buddhistdoctrinal, institutional, and sectarian history is the aniconicinterpretation of early Buddhist art that ...doubted? The history of the theoryprovides some of the answers. Although nineteenth-century writers ...
S. L. Huntington
transportation,availability of housing and work opportunities, and long history ofwelcoming and absorbing ...
Nancy J. Smith-Hefner
history. They have come to thepostindustrial United States from a largely subsistence economy, ...Southeast Asians in Louisiana." Pp. 661-77in A Refuge for All Ages: Immigration in Louisiana History, ...
Carl L. Bankston III
dragons locked in mortal combat. Throughout China's history, sightings of two combatting ... enough to consider Jungian archetypes - we must examine the history of religions....
Whalen Lai
fifteen-year-old daughter by a pathologically confused classmate as she went from math class to history. ...strategic value, control is perhaps the most widely disseminated in human history. It lies at the core...
Peter D. Hershock
the history of Zen Buddhism, for example, certain masters ᅳ e.g., Tokusan ᅳ have been ...7779;ad, III. vii. 23. [Back]
7 Surendranath Dasgupta./l History of Indian Philosophy, Vol 1, Delhi...