characterize various devices for the representations of time and space in narrative ...Goddess of the Lo River (Lo-shen fu t'u 结瓜 ). For a detailed discussion on the problems...
Pao-chen Chen
Truths) and the Pratityasamutpada ( Law of Causation) is of primary importance for the...importance. The main reason for this difference is that the Mahayanists consider the real ...
Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt,
paper is to argue for a way ofdoing philosophy of religion so as to take into account religions ...monumental production. For both in research andin teaching philosophy of Buddhist religion, the emphasis ...
Frank J. Hoffman
Suzuki rightly criticizes him for taking chih to mean intellectual knowledge. Suzuki ...certainly justified in taking him to task for his explanation of Zen experience.
Peter N. Gregory
其中“戒本”译成英文,并鼓励英国的戴维兹教授创立“巴利圣典协会”。 一九○三年,德国第一个佛教团体在来比锡诞生,它的名字是“德国佛教传道会”(Society for Buddhi-st),是由塞...该会改名为“德国佛教会”( Society for Buddhist Mission in Germany ), 后来由于经费不足而不了了之。一九○七年,塞氏另创“大觉中心”( Mahabodhi ...
traditions, the author's claim to speak for all of Buddhist thought appears somewhat quaint, and the book ...understanding of core Buddhist teachings.
Saddhatissa's motivation for writing this book is clearly...
Hammalawa Saddhatissa
floating lotus blossoms. Image, symbol, and meaning are united, for in Buddhism the ...few opportunities to admire the refined concrete for which this architect is ...
Cheryl Kent
Soka Gakkai, but also profound analysis of factors for its success in American society since the ...factors: its theological emphasis on the individual's power to change his/her life for the better, which ...
Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth
respect for, the necessity of technical terminology. "To say it in English" (p. xviii)--the credo of these... of experience: for example, ". . . the ultimate content of what is is not an object of experience" ...
Lou Nordstrom
translation. The translation is expertly
rendered, and the annotation is thorough; yet, for all of...clearly
establishes its importance for our understanding of the origins of Ch'an,
and, in so ...
Robert E. Buswell, Jr.