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  • Facing the Era of Globalization and Real

    the lives of the people in both countries. To achieve peace in the era of globalization, we need ...the realization of peaceful environment in the era of globalization. Respect King Asoka from the ...

    Ven. Seik Hui Siong


  • The Chronology of the Sena Kings

    determination of the true epoch of the Lak.sma.nasena era by Dr. Kielhorn(1) has ... date of the era, 1118-19 A.D, is the date of the accession of Lak.sma.nasena, the ...



  • The Date of Kanishka

    last year much prominence was given to the so-called Vikrama era of 58 B.C., and arguments ...that this era was founded by him, but that all the recorded dates of the Saka, Pahlava,...

    J.F. Fleet, I.C.S.(Retd.), Ph.


  • Death, Honor, and Loyalty: The Bushido Ideal

    what might be called the "Reischauer era"), I was somewhat surprised at the vitriolic reaction of ...schools early in the Meiji era, Nitobe was one of the "Generation of Masters of English"[3] who p. ...

    G. Cameron Hurst III


  • 泰国赠送斯里兰卡金佛和舍利 感谢其将佛教传入泰国

    . Buddha statue depicts the image of “subduing mara”. Prakrusamu Jirayu said Buddhism of Ceylon era...



  • Book Review Japanese Buddhism: A Cultural History

    originally published in Japan in the late 1960s. Tamura, who died in 1989, was in his era one of the ...of "New" Kamakura era Buddhist figures, including Shinran, Dougen, and Nichiren. In that book Tamura...

    Yoshiro Tamura


  • Medieval Japanese Society

    developments that began in the late twelfth century. In other words, the medieval era as a whole was an age ...designation of the era as feudal. Some scholars might contend that this viewpoint is limited largely ...

    Pierre Francois Souyri,


  • 敦煌禅宗文献研究

    to the contents,era,of Dunhuang Zen Documents,and it's history and present situation of research. The...



  • 21世纪社会变迁与汉传佛教教育之发展

    国立台北艺术大学 教授  中华佛学研究所 副所长  一般认为20世纪后半的工业社会已进入所谓“后现代纪元” (the post-modern era),或“电子技术纪元”(the technetronic era),又称为“后工业社会”(the post-industrial society),或“知识社会”(the knowledge society),“服务阶级社会”(the service...



  • Free at Last in Paradise

    This was an exciting era - a century of social, political, religious upheavals - and Guruge presents it in dramatic color and action. It was in this national fermenting era also that our hero T...

    Ananda W. P. Guruge

