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  • Facing the Era of Globalization and Real

    Ven. Seik Hui Siong Abbot of Vihara Mahavira Graha Pusa Buddhist Building Indonesia ...

    Ven. Seik Hui Siong


  • 金融海啸灾难中,心灵环保的重要性(ENGLISH)

    environment admist the global financial disaster ─ facing crisis with compassion and wisdom TITLE : “The Importance of Protecting Spiritual Environment admist the Global Financial Disaster – Facing Crisis ...

    Mr. Leon Ei-min Liu


  • 英首相布朗电贺卫赛节 望用宗教推进世界经济新秩序

    new global economic order in the current ecomomic downturn, the world is facing including Britain. ...



  • 英首相布朗电贺卫赛节 望用宗教推进世界经济新秩序

    new global economic order in the current ecomomic downturn, the world is facing including Britain. ...



  • 弘一大师格言别录英译

    magnanimity shows in facing events of adversity and privilege。 Self-control is tested in facing events of ...uses in facing abrupt changes.   自处超然,处人蔼然。无事澄然,有事斩然。得意淡然,失意泰然。  One should live with a detached ...



  • How to Forgive Yourself

    can, and let karma do the rest.Facing Obstacles Life from beginning to end is full of problems.... to reach for a higher plane of living. But if we persevere on the path, facing all of the obstacles...

    Venerable Kong Dow


  • Reviews the article Lack and Transcendence

    fears of facing his mortality, and onHajime Nakamura in his analysis of the differences of Indian and ...death represses something, for that terror is preferableto facing one's lack of being now. Death-fear...

    Carl Becker


  • 老年佛教徒的生死观之研究-以弥陀净土法门为例

    notion of facing death in the elderly Buddhists. (5) The notion of returning to the Saha world by their ...the Western Pure Land --- While facing the problem of death in the Saha world, they can face death ...



  • Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity

    remedy the imbalance. Another large concern facing textual studies of Chinese Buddhism, the ...initial publication in French. One speaker suggested that the task facing the study of Chinese Buddhism ...

    Peter N. Gregory


  • 佛光菜根谭之生活

    患得患失 要以克制为良方 Facing trouble,don't be sad and weep, but transform sorrow to strength. Facing grievance,don't sigh and be disappointed, but shoulder it with patience. Facing temptation, don't be lost, ...


