
Contemplation Sutra


经文翻译:刘宋西域三藏法师畺良耶舍 译


Illustrations from the Taima Mandala

By Hisao Inagaki

The aspirants in the highewst level of the lowest grade
7) the highest level of the lowest grade

[28] 佛告阿难及韦提希。下品上生者。或有众生作众恶业。虽不诽谤方等经典。如此愚人。多造恶法无有惭愧。命欲终时遇善知识。为赞大乘十二部经首题名字。以闻如是诸经名故。除却千劫极重恶业。智者复教合掌叉手。称南无阿弥陀佛。称佛名故。除五十亿劫生死之罪。尔时彼佛。即遣化佛化观世音化大势至。至行者前。赞言善哉善男子。汝称佛名故诸罪消灭。我来迎汝。作是语已。行者即见化佛光明遍满其室。见已欢喜即便命终。乘宝莲花。随化佛后生宝池中。经七七日莲花乃敷。当花敷时。大悲观世音菩萨。及大势至菩萨。放大光明住其人前。为说甚深十二部经。闻已信解发无上道心。经十小劫。具百法明门。得入初地。是名下品上生者。得闻佛名法名及闻僧名。闻三宝名即得往生。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "Those who attain birth on the highest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit various evil acts but do not slander the Mahayana sutras of greater scope. When a foolish person such as this, who has committed much evil but feels no remorse, is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who praises the titles of the twelve divisions of the Mahayana scriptures. By hearing these sutra-titles, he is released from the burden of evil karma which he has accumulated during a thousand kalpas. Furthermore, this wise teacher advises him to join his palms and call, 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-o-mi-t'o-fo].' Calling the name of the Buddha extinguishes the evil karma that the dying person has committed during fifty kotis of kalpas of Samsara.
"The Buddha then sends his transformed body and those of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta to the aspirant; they praise him, saying, 'Well done, man of good deeds! By calling the Name of the Buddha your evil karma has been extinguished, and so we have come to welcome you.' When these words are uttered, the aspirant sees a flood of light from that transformed Buddha fill his room. Having seen this, he rejoices and dies. Seated on a jewelled lotus-flower, he follows the transformed Buddha and is born on a jewelled pond. In seven weeks the lotus-bud opens and Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, and Mahasthamaprapta appear before him, releasing great floods of light, and explain to him the extremely profound teachings of the twelve divisions of the scriptures. Having heard these, the aspirant accepts them in faith, and awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. After ten smaller kalpas, he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and enters the First Stage of Bodhisattvahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the lowest grade. Thus he is born by hearing the Name of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha -- that is, the Three Treasures."

The aspirants in the middle level of the lowest grade
8) the middle level of the lowest grade

[29] 佛告阿难及韦提希。下品中生者。或有众生。毁犯五戒八戒及具足戒。如此愚人。偷僧祇物盗现前僧物。不净说法无有惭愧。以诸恶法而自庄严。如此罪人。以恶业故应堕地狱。命欲终时。地狱众火一时俱至。遇善知识以大慈悲。即为赞说阿弥陀佛十力威德。广赞彼佛光明神力。亦赞戒定慧解脱解脱知见。此人闻已除八十亿劫生死之罪。地狱猛火化为凉风。吹诸天华。华上皆有化佛菩萨。迎接此人。如一念顷。即得往生七宝池中莲花之内。经于六劫莲花乃敷当华敷时。观世音大势至。以梵音声安慰彼人。为说大乘甚深经典。闻此法已。应时即发无上道心。是名下品中生者。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "Those who attain birth on the middle level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who violate the five precepts, the eight precepts or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun. A foolish person such as these steals from the Sangha or takes the personal belongings of monks, or preaches the Dharma with impure motives but feels no remorse. Thus he [346a] defiles himself by evil karma, and because of this he will fall into hell.
"When he is about to die and the flames of hell suddenly close in on him, he may meet a good teacher, who compassionately explains to him the ten supernal powers of Amitayus, fully describing the majestic power of the light of that Buddha, his virtues in the observance of the precepts, meditation, wisdom, emancipation and knowledge of emancipation. When he has heard this, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara are extinguished; thus, the fierce flames of hell turn into cool and refreshing breezes, wafting heavenly flowers. On each flower is a transformed Buddha accompanied by bodhisattvas welcoming him.
"In an instant, he attains birth within a lotus-bud on a seven-jewelled pond. After six kalpas the lotus-bud opens, and then Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta comfort him with their noble voices and teach him profound Mahayana sutras. Upon hearing these, he immediately awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the lowest grade."

The aspirants in the lowest level of the lowest grade
9) the lowest level of the lowest grade

[30] 佛告阿难及韦提希。下品下生者。或有众生作不善业五逆十恶。具诸不善。如此愚人以恶业故。应堕恶道经历多劫受苦无穷。如此愚人临命终时。遇善知识种种安慰为说妙法教令念佛。彼人苦逼不遑念佛。善友告言。汝若不能念彼佛者。应称归命无量寿佛。如是至心令声不绝。具足十念称南无阿弥陀佛。称佛名故。于念念中。除八十亿劫生死之罪。命终之时见金莲花犹如日轮住其人前。如一念顷即得往生极乐世界。于莲花中满十二大劫。莲花方开当花敷时。观世音大势至以大悲音声。即为其人广说实相除灭罪法。闻已欢喜。应时即发菩提之心。是名下品下生者。是名下辈生想。名第十六观。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaihehi, "Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit such evils as the five gravest offences, the ten evil acts and all kinds of immorality. Owing to such evil karma, the fool like this will fall into evil realms and suffer endless agony for many kalpas. When he is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who consoles him in various ways, teaching him the wonderful Dharma and urging him to be mindful of the Buddha; but he is too tormented by pain to do so. The good teacher then advises him, 'If you cannot concentrate on the Buddha, then you should say instead, Homage to Amitayus Buddha.' In this way, he sincerely and continuously says 'Homage to Amitayus Buddha' [Na-mo-o-mi-t'o-fo] ten times. Because he calls the Buddha's Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara is extinguished. When he comes to die, he sees before him a golden lotus-flower like the disk of the sun, and in an instant he is born within a lotus-bud in the Land of Utmost Bliss. After twelve great kalpas the lotus-bud opens. When the flower opens, Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta teach him with voices of great compassion the method of extinguishing evil karma through the realization of Suchness of all dharmas. Hearing this, he rejoices and immediately awakens aspiration for Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the lowest grade of aspirants and the sixteenth contemplation."
