where is the dust to cling?(3)
The two gathas seem to fit hand-in-glove,the one denying ...to me,gravely naive, I am nonetheless somewhat comforted to have foundmyself in the company ...
Steven W. Laycock
BARON Julius Evola (1898-1974) is one of the most difficult and ambiguous figures in modern... rightwing politics. Thus we may be tempted to dismiss Evola as yet another in a long ...
Julius Evola
secluded themselves for a week in a cabin in the famous Waipi'o Valley on the island of ...basic commonalities in the contemplative practices and insights which their two spiritual ...
Scott Whitney
IN more than 2,000 years of Buddhist development, the Lotus Sutra due to its unique thought system ...does it mark the sermon of Buddha in full maturity, but also it has determined the fundamental ...
He Jingsong
growing presence in the West, most Americans still badly misunderstand this ancient ...year, the Thais were delighted to find a lovely 10-acre site overlooking a lake in ...
Donald K. Swearer
the foundation of psychoanalysis. If something in my mind makes me uncomfortable and I do not want ... symptom. What is not consciously admitted into awareness erupts in obsessive ways bringing those ...
David R. Loy
exploded in December in Yangon at a Buddhist shrine housing a particularly sacred relic, ...the race, language, and religion; they dare to revile the Lord Buddha in ...
Kaytu Nilar
mid-morning. Women dressed in sarong-like skirts and white blouses converged on ...orange dust cloud in the wake of the vehicle bearing the visitors long before it came to ...
Ruth Massey
has the Dharma all but disappeared from India, while it has declined into empty ritual in much of ...translation of the Samdhinirmocana Sutra by John Powers. Published in 1995, this exquisite volume has sold a ...
John Powers
attempted to bridge this gap through scientific studies on the efficacy of meditation in bringing about physiological and mental changes in the human personality, have been downright skeptical ...
James H. Austin