of wisdom:He means to cut down sensless craving. ...
han shan
like water,Time is like sparks knocked off flint.Go ahead and let the world change -I'm happy to sit ...
han shan
Groups While Still Maintaining Ties To Their Traditional Faiths
Dateline: MALIBU, CALIF.
At 7 p.m. every Tuesday, Ann Buck strides to the center of her beachsideMalibu porch ...
Daniel B Wood
adaptation to the Chinese, but what exactly the native soil was in which the Buddhist ... also encompassed a practical ideal of how to deal with this life. Appealing mainly...
Siu-Chi Huang
quite usually sruti to smrti. The former term includes the revealed texts (Veda and ...systems, jurisprudence; and on the other, drstartha which refers to the Upaveda, that is ...
Jean Przyluski
Dependent Origination looks deep it is clear to him. The Buddha announced that it both looks deep and is ...." As William Blake puts it, the "dim Windows of the Soul . . .leads you to Believe a Lie When you ...
Alex Wayman
movements. By and large, each movement corresponds to a separate country and is the ...an evenhanded approach with attention to the larger issues at stake. To many...
Michael G. Barnhart
There were those among the Buddhist scholastics who clearly would have preferred to believe ...at Bodhgaya. The Buddha's wisdom and the Buddha's mission seemed to require the ...
Conrad Hyers
the Buddhism Section of the American Academy of Religion. Four of the contributors to this volume, ...introduction, and though some of them seem to overlap somewhat, none makes any of the others ...
Janet Gyatso
the articles in this issue were originally contributions to a small conference devoted to the theme...varied from year to year, and the conference held in July of 2000 was the first devoted to comparing the...
Reeves, Gene