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  • Euthanasia in Buddhism and Christianity

    ethics is greater than what divides them in theology. Aninteresting counterpoint to the disintegration ...search their ancient teachings forsolutions to contemporary dilemmas, Christians, Muslims and Jews ...

    Damien Keown


  • Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition

    this time on a few fragments of his own life-experience, once again he mainly sought to ...Far from finding his scholarly labours to be presumptuous, clumsy, or incompetent, they ...

    Helene Bowen Raddeker


  • The Dissolution of Self and Other in Chan Buddhism

    almost unavoidably taken to be relatively autonomous individuals who can enter ... It is the purpose of what follows to sketch out an alternative ...

    Peter D. Hershock


  • Rethiking Transendence

    p. 113 I. Introduction The object of this essay is to present an alternative to what I take to be a fundamental component of Western-language ...

    Dale S. Wright


  • A Misinterpretation in the First Case of the HEKIGAN ROKU

    remarks (T.E.T. 48, p.140a); in Chinese it bears a double meaning: "Korea" and a "new sieve". Owing to ...incorrect explanation: "smc is located far to the east of China; if the arrow is shot to pass through...

    Tao-Wei Liang


  • Temporality of hermeneutics in Dogens Shobogenzo

    Zen master Huai-hai in order to bring them in accord with his own understanding ...distortion, previous views of Buddha-nature which convey what he believes to be a ...

    Steven Heine


  • The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism

    , Canada. The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism is an especially valuable addition to the literature,...was first published, but also because the current volume tries to incorporate the most current ...



  • The last Shangri-La. (Ladakh, India)

    Anthropologist and travel writer Antonella Bestaggini takes a meditative journey to Ladakh, India's highest and least populated region. Visitors to Ladakh shortly after it was...

    Antonella Bestaggini


  • The Voice of the Buddha

    became popular for those common folk who did not have the educational background to understand the ...proportions, exalting him to a level that was transhuman and unique. Within this context also was the ...

    Gwendolyn Bays


  • 缅甸供奉佛舍利的著名古佛塔—Danok塔修建时坍塌

    Myanmar) - AN ANCIENT pagoda collapsed close to Myanmar's main city of Yangon on Saturday injuring more ...heavy rains. 'The volunteers are trying to help those still trapped underneath the collapsed pagoda. So...


