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  • On the meaninglessness of philosophical questions

    ·期刊原文On the meaninglessness of philosophical questions By Paul Wienpahl Philosophy East and West...demonstrated that metaphysical or philosophical statements (and, by extension, philosophical questions) are ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • Sinitic understanding of two truths theory

    Gnostieism in the thoughts of Prince Chao-ming(b)by Whalen W. LaiPhilosophy East and Westvolumn 28, no.... school) was the means by which Mahaayaana criticized and undermined the "...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • The King of Siams Edition of the Pali Tipitaka

    Royal Asiatic Society, and other libraries in Europe, and so became available for study... tunity of discussing the genesis and circumstances of the edition with H.R.H. Prince ...

    Robert Chalmers


  • 经典学习与成人生命实践历程之研究

    标题】A study on adult learning and practicing processes of Buddhism Classics  【文章作者】周玉玲  【指导教师】李明芬 ; 何...。   【英文摘要】In the past decades, traditional Buddhism grows and blossoms greatly in Taiwan. They have ...



  • 佛光菜根谭之宝典

    five desires and six senses;practitioners look for harma joy in meditation.    Ordinary people think of being virtuous and making achievements;practitioners focus on attaining prajna. 001-2    世间以...

    星云大师 著


  • 汉巴经典之比较性分析─略说电子标记的问题

    towards the design of an advanced digital edition of the PāliNikaya and the Chinese āgama sutras.   After presenting the two textcorpora in digital form, and linking them by a comparative catalogue,...



  • Abhidhamma Abhivinaya--in the first two of the Pali Canon

    of the Pali Canon the word abhidhamma occurs now and again. Although not prominent,...and Buddhaghosa's time, had attained a sufficient degree of importance to give thd name ...



  • Amaravati: Buddhist Sculpture from the Great Stupa

    pounds]40. The two Buddhist sites from Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati and ...attempts to quantify, judge, and understand Indian art in the eighteenth century up until ...

    Robert L. Brown


  • Di^nnaagas theory of immaterialism

    of the Buddha, as known to us from the earliest records preserved in the Pali Nikaayas and the ... extreme forms of idealism, all of them tracing their origin to the Buddha and claiming to be the ...

    D. J. Kalupahana


  • Problematics of the Buddhist nature of self

    ·期刊原文Problematics of the Buddhist nature of self By Kenneth K. InadaPhilosophy East and Westvol. ...as much as possible and open up fresh areas for a meaningful dialogical discourse. ...

    Kenneth K. Inada

