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  • 二不定法(Aniyata)

    seen (them),might describe it as constituting any of three cases -- involving either defeat, communal... follower whose word can be trusted, having seen them, would describe it as constituting either of ...



  • 朱熹理学与佛学之比较

    consequences of Buddhism and Taoism but also taking Confucianism as the main context. Zhu Xi was the ...course and had closed connections with Buddhism on ontology, the theory of nature and epistemology as ...



  • 《楞严经》哲学之研究

    " as the best intensely herme-neutic way.  4. I proposed trans-idealism of " 5 gates ofmind" as the ...



  • 般若金钥(七)

    怛达阿竭,答塔葛达,怛佗议多:[梵]如此做,在如此状态,如此性质或本性的,如此,do as it,under such situation,as such nature。  [汉译]如来(so-come),如去(so-gone),如来至真,得如者,得真如成如来者,佛,世尊,佛陀,如所从来的(觉悟者),(a penetrator)as came before,a Buddha。  Tatha:[梵]...

    王 智 扬


  • Chinese Institute of Buddhist Cultural Studies

    Buddhists as a whole. Its aim is to(1)unit Buddhist scholars within and outside the Buddhist circle ...widening the Buddhist research and cultural exchange and improving the quality of Buddhist research as ...



  • A few Evidences on the Age of the Kathavatthu

    janapadas. He contends that as yet there can be no initiation or Pabbajja in places lying beyond ...Country as defined in Buddhist literature. (iii) Attempts to check Schism The fact of the ...

    Barua, Dwijendra Lal


  • Better for Buddhists, better for business

    enable us to make meaning of each other's words. Emotions -- such as :-) -- fall far short of ...all look forward to its imminent expansion. "As telephone systems are upgraded and cable television ...

    Dave Brousell


  • American Society in the Buddhist Mirror

    task, rather, is to examine Americans' reception of Buddhism as a sign of the changing ...today's New Agers. As the author shows, Buddhism's appeal changed from generation to ...

    James V. Spickard


  • An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices

    materials. Choosing a "best introduction" thus appears as unreasonable as deciding what ...his own response to these confining demands as he attempts to accommodate the diverse ...

    Collett Cox


  • Buddhism in Practice

    series as a whole aims to rethink and reorganize the presentation of materials...presentation of materials such as ritual manuals, hagiographic literature, folktales, ...

    Jeff Shirkey

