Tibetan, rten 'brel). Komitoexplains that people's habitual perception of phenomena as"...chapter in which Komito proposes touse psychology as "a context for translating Nagarjuna'...
David Ross Komito
imaged - one of the most beautiful images coming out of the Mahayana - as the ...reflects all the others, reflecting back and catching the reflection, just as systems theory ...
Badiner, Allan Hunt
their works in two main respects:
A2. We have not encoded any indication as to how texts are related...added as the research is done. The clusters will over time be refined, perhaps grow, perhaps ...
Trial Version
in Lhasa's Johkang Temple, Beijing's choice as the11th Panchen Lama, the second holiest Tibetan ...Nyima, as the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama, who died in 1989.
According to the government...
Caroline Nath
the actor, whosefundament is almost as familiar to moviegoers as his face, overshadowed theProtector ...born in 1935.How, one is keen to know, was he singled out as the latest manifestation ofthe Lord of ...
to be likely but not certain. However, approval by the powerfullower house is seen as a major ...the onlyother major countries that do not designate brain death as actual death inlaw or practice.
Wise J
relations are not the same as interreligious ones. Ecumenism refers to dialogue ... The national dialogue is an outgrowth of dialogues in U.S. cities such as Los ...
Dawn Gibeau
stylistic criteria or inconsistencies in argument. As a general guide to interpretation, ...context; as objects of jokes or puns, or as foils for arguments, many Buddhist passages ...
Collet Cox
works in this area, thus serving as an excellent foundation for the more contemporary ...clear that psychoanalysis and Buddhism have much to offer one another, as they ...
Anthony Molino
its practitioners to human existence as if by a red thread. His focus is on ...examination also touches on other transgressions, such as drinking or eating meat. ...
Faure, Bernard