differences between their philosophies emerge in part. IV herein.
p. 344
it is equally true ... Finally, we merely mention the fourth item in Rgyal-tshab's catalog:
(iv) rnal .hbyor mngon sum, ...
A. Charlene McDermott
physics and mystical psychoanalysis, respectively. Accordingly, in section IV we defend mystical science ...confront here becomes even more evident in the context of its resolution later in section IV, an ...
John A. Schumacher and Robert
anaagata^m svaruupato 'sti adhvabhedaad dharmaa.naam (IV, 12)[9]
Vyaasa comments:[10] "Future is that ...rtaarthaanaa^m pari.naamakramasamaaptir gu.naamaam (IV, 32)[11]
Vyaasa comments.[12] "As a result of the...
Klaus Klostermaier
Samudda-vanija Jataka (iv. 159) relates how a settlement of wood-workers, failing...3; 117, 14-15; 119, 4; iv. 27, 4; vi, 62, 6). The Mahabharata relates how the Pandavas, ...
Prithwis Chandra Chakravarti
sections II. III, and IV mostly expose practice, while sections VII, and VIII dewscribe the results of ... both are equal (14) Evenly containinf innumerable forms.
IV.15) Do not ...
Dusan Pajin
are from Book I, three from Book III, two from Book IV and two fromBook VI. What remarkable about ...and fear Ascending day by day, like wasted smoke?" (IV, 62)
In a somewhat similar vein, Dreiser ...
Douglas C, Stenerson
freer than this in the Brahmanic circle of a still earlier day. In Ait. Br. iv. 3, man is ..., ib. iv. 5. 2. 16), and the king has at least no scruples in regard to ...
E. Washburn Hopkins
Sanskrit word borrowed into Telugu, and sometimes pronounced 1. Ep Ind. Vol. IV: pp. 181-...1098. 5. Ibid., nos. 1042 and 1057. 6. Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, pp. 188-189, Sanskrit Mukhha ...
Bhavaraj V. Krishnarao
(1953), 277-279; also reviewed by Johannes Rahder in Philosophy East and West, IV, No. 1 (April, ...Liberation in Bodily Existence," Philosophy East and West, IV, No. 2, (July, 1954), 113, ff., it is well to ...
Alex Wayman
, using x to mean the existential interpretation: [41]
(I) (x)A (II) (x)E (III) (x)I.O(IV) ... (II) X is not A (III) X is and is not A and (IV) X is neither A nor not A where A and not A are ...
R. D. Gunaratne