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  • Current Western Interest in Zen

    in the West, during the last hundred years, the scientific study of religion, with the comparison of ...courses in the scientific or philosophical study of religion, from a more objective and comparative ...

    Van Meter Ames


  • East-West Synthesis in Kitarō Nishida

    his thought. The four stages mentioned can be discovered in his successive works: (I) "Study of...section was added on the advice of the editorial staff of the Journal. [1](a) "Study of the Good" ...

    Matao Noda


  • On the meaninglessness of philosophical questions

    lot of time per day while "studying zen" sitting. How are you to study zen (sitting) without sitting?...the five Zen schools, the Rinsai alone employs the kōan exercise (kōan "study") systematically in ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • The Ontological Foundation in Tetsuro Watsujis Philosophy

    gaku to shite no rinrigaku [i] (Ethics as the study of man).[11] He submitted another well-known ...study of Buddhism in Japan. In it Watsuji describes the notion of ku, emptiness, in relation to man's ...

    Isamu, Nagami


  • 一个禅师的文学养成教育──大慧与觉范慧洪的友谊

    years of koan study followed by his decisive breakthrough to full awakening under the tutelage of the ... was ready to teach and lead a Zen community. No particular study of Buddhist sutras or Buddhist ...



  • 战后台湾佛教的振兴:以佛光山教团为研究个案

    Study of Fo Guang Shan  【文章作者】郑丹琳  【指导教师】谢剑  【文章页数】167页  ---------------------------------------------...in post—war Taiwan. This paper chooses Fo Guang Shan as its case study due to its role in the ...



  • Reviews the book `Buddhist Hermeneutics,

    of thephilological training and conceptual sophistication of thosenow engaged in the study of ...The inclusion of Lamotte's classic study "Assessment ofTextual Interpretation in Buddhism" shows...

    Griffiths, Paul J.


  • 西北佛教历史文化地理研究

    Study of Buddhist Culture in Northwest China  【文章作者】介永强  【指导教师】史念海; 吴宏岐   【中文摘要】宗教问题是当今中国突出的社会问题之一。...ethnology and sociology but also the study from the historical geographical perspective. Since most ...



  • 昙鸾净土思想研究

    Thought Study of Tan Luan【文章作者】郭征宇【指导教师】麻天祥 【中文关键词】昙鸾; 净土思想; 研究; 【英文关键词】Tan Luan; Pure Land Buddhism thought; Study; 【中文摘要】昙鸾(公元476-542年),北魏时期的佛教高僧,是中国净土理论的创建者,中国净土宗的真正始祖。日本人尊之为净土宗五祖之初祖,又尊为净土真宗七祖之第三祖。...



  • 原始佛教“正法律”的法理学研究

    标题】A Jurisprudential Study on the Right Dharma and Vinaya of Early Buddhism  【文章作者】杨荔薇  【指导教师】陈兵  【中文...the intersecting study between the law and Buddhism, attempts to research on its thinking and ...


