states the basic Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika thesis about the self. The second part studies in detail some well-known Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika arguments in support: of their theory of self and highlights some points ...
Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar
in medieval China. In doing so, the book also illuminates the social, political, and religious contexts in which Tsung-mi's writings were produced and shows how his ...
T. Griffith Foulk
presentations, the Seminar on Buddhist Studies in Foreign Languages 2008 has been successfully completed. ... Temple. Venerable Taixu, who previously lived in Jade Buddha Temple, put a lot of emphasis on the ...
Buddhism" in general nor does it deal in any comprehensive manner with the enormous variety of ways in which language has been used throughout the Buddhist world. The truth is ...
C.W. Huntington Jr..
reissue of a classic work by the late Venerable Saddhatissa (d. 1990) first published in 1970. While ...in relation to the fundamental aims and insights of the Buddha's own practice and teachings.
Hammalawa Saddhatissa
sriimitraTranslated by Namkhai Norbu and Kennard Lipman in collaboration with Barrie SimmonsReviewed by Lou ...Buddhist technical terminology is difficult to translate, a fact that often results in the practice ...
Lou Nordstrom
Monastic Buddhism in IndiaReviewed by John Clifford Holt TThe Journal of Religion VVol.78 No.3
...Buddhism in India. Studies in the Buddhist Tradition. Honolulu: University of ...
John Clifford Holt
alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {...window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" border=0>在法师的引领下绕塔祈福screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; ...
scholar in comparative religion as for the executive in corporate business or government service. While philosophers warn against mixing apples and oranges, those engaged in cross-...
Arnold Wettstein
In Cultivating the Mind of Love, Nhat Hanh challenges us to "look deeply" as he tells us about the first time he fell in love. As he notes early on, "When the ...
Janice D. Willis