contribution to our knowledge of Pure Land Buddhism. It consists of an excellent introduction (pp. 11-59...Kamakura period, he could not be indifferent to Zen, which had a definite impact upon him, and he ...
Hirota , Dennis
doctors belonging to these sects are called by either name. The school which claims to... La^nkaavataara and the `Sraddhotpaada-`saastra belong to a quite different ...
Giuseppe Tucci
A. Convergence or Criticism?
Responding to what Tanabe Hajime has called the ...They analyze and attempt to overcome the apparent global hegemony and potentially catastrophic ...
Steven Heine
services which he had rendered, and might still have rendered, to Sanskrit and ...he is in the wrong, as will appear to any scholar who takes the trouble to compare both. ...
convergence regarding the conclusions we tend to draw in exercising our reason, should our forms of life happen to differ substantially.
In other words, ...
Michael G. Barnhart
1. Introduction In the early to mid-1980s, the official Thai response to the .... It was only in the latter years of the decade that the threat HIV/AIDS posed to public...
Peter Anthony Jackson
of Tibetan art dedicated to "the cloister of one hundred thousand pictures ... The theatrical element in the Tscham dances, which are brought to production in ...
Roccasalvo, Joseph F.
comparative philosophy" grounded in a Buddhist "logic of unity" (chapters 1 and 2), to an analysis of the ... is frustrating to read, but I fear this reader is not convinced. Others more attuned to the ...
Hosaku Matsuo
As to illuminating what is difficult to think, this refers to the fact that although one does not destroy ...
Dale S. Wright
As early as 1983, MSF sent an exploratory team to the Jaffna peninsular butdecided against a mission. 3 years of surveillance followed. By the end of1986, owing to a severe lack of medical ...
Stevenson P