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  • Some Buddhist and Hindu concepts of intellect-will

    century B.C., a chaotic variety of psychological terms and an array of divergent and unstable conceptual models of the human psyche prevailed in Indian thought. By the fourth century A.D., there ...

    Robinson, Richard H.


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    mentioned here designate a person, an individual being composed of five aggregates: rupa (... parts are rightly set, The word 'chariot' arises, So does our usage agree to say: " 'A ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • 梵語佛典及漢譯佛典中(二)

    云︰十四音者,迦等十二,第十一字更加引點為第十三,第十二字更加引點為第十四。” 第十九 “和上 ( 慈覺 ) 說云︰《三藏傳》云︰五五為五,九字為九,合十四音。阿(a)等十二為韻。魯(&#...怪離奇。我最感興趣的是對aṃ和aḥ的處理意見,以及對四個流音元音的處理意見。在這兩個方向,以上諸說意見也是不一致的。 2、四字的發音問題 四字的發音問題,我在上面“四字在...



  • Empty Logic: Madhyamike Buddhism from Chinese Soruces

    CompanyHonolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. P.361 The publication of Hsueh-li Cheng's Empty Logic represents the attempt to address the need for a general introduction to the ...

    Hsueh-li Chengs


  • The Indigenous Religion

    ·期刊原文The Indigenous Religion and Theravada Buddhism in Ban Da Tiu:A Dai Lue Village in Yunnan, ...account of the religious institutions of a Dai (Tai) Lue village, Ban Da Tiu, in ...

    Anthony R. Walker


  • Working Emptiness

    ·期刊原文Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading of Emptiness in Buddhismand Postmodern Thought by ... book, Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading ofEmptiness in Buddhism and Postmodern Thought...

    Newman Robert Glass


  • Applied idealism

    ------------------------------------- A Buddhist Perspective on the Necessity of ...conception of Buddhism in the twentieth centuryis of a religion that emphasizes withdrawal from the world and...

    Yen. Sheng


  • The Faces of Buddhism in America

    to a bewildering variety of Buddhist forms. Today, virtually all Buddhist sects originated in Asian...Buddhism have been trying hard to define, or invent, a distinctive American Buddhism. This book is a very...

    Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth


  • Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition

    little known in his own time and was, perhaps, a more than usually self-effacing monk. The little that is known today of his life largely derives from a few remarks in his three-...

    Helene Bowen Raddeker


  • The Formation of Chan Ideology in China and Korea

    ·期刊原文The Formation of Chan Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamaadhisuutra, A Buddhist ...Formation of Ch'an ldeology in China and Korea is a major contribution to the growing field of Ch'an ...

    Robert E. Buswell, Jr.

