找到相关内容1914篇,用时10毫秒. ·把佛教导航设为主页
  • The Silence of the Buddha

    are known as the avyaak.rtavastuuni--the undetermined, or ...the avyak.rtavastuuni, The Sutta opens as follows: ___________________________________...



  • The Trustworthiness of the Mahavamsa

    the end of the whole poem. But its last half sloka simply runs as evam punnam ... the Dipavamsa, the Tika, and the manuscripts. The Culavamsa, as far as I now ...



  • The Voice of the Buddha

    to light (i.e. to recite once again the suutra known as the Lalitavistara), out of compassion for the world, as medicine for myriads of beings, for the happiness of many beings, for the flowering of ...

    Gwendolyn Bays


  • Vile destructionists and the sacred tooth.

    ·期刊原文Vile destructionists and the sacred tooth. (desecration ofrevered Buddhist shrine used as ...Sacred Tooth Relic in Maha Pasana Cave. As a result of the explosion, five people were ...

    Kaytu Nilar


  • William James and Yogaacaara philosophy

    interpretation of experience by each system, under the headings of(l) experience as a ...cited as Y with page citations), which includes Vasubandhu's commentary (bhaa.sya) ...

    Miranda Shaw


  • 21st Century World and Humanistic Buddhi

    should cover wider areas. We have a strong belief that Buddhism should be regarded as a 'dharma' a ...through Buddhist practice. Humanistic Buddhism interprets Buddhism as 'Dharma' which stresses on '...

    Ven. Dr Anoja


  • Buddhist Music Comes West

    as Buddhism became Chinese. I predict the same thing will happen in the West. The Chinese adapted ...again from the foundations of the past. The boat was a small, sturdy diesel, and the winds picked up as...

    Heng Sure, PhD


  • Ashokas dreamer

    spent in the company of such glamorous elders seems as though it should have eased the way for an ...never needed to be pushy, but he recalls himself as a distant, anxious young man who shrank from the...

    Justin Davidson


  • Bhaaviveka and the early Maadhyamika theories of language

    is thus useful, in the first case, as a mirror of the relationship between ...this as a distinction between a level of nonconceptual, ultimate truth (...

    Malcolm D. Eckel


  • Buddhism Blossoms in French Wine Country (Ste. Foy La Grande, France)

    heard of Nhat Hanh in 1966, shortly after I arrived in Vietnam to work with war refugees as...threat. But Nhat Hanh and his followers were viewed as such by South Vietnam government ...

    Thomas C. Fox

