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  • Practicing Resurrection (Buddhism)

    inside, that seemed to be very understanding and compassionate. I felt ...finally having a lucid dream, I should take advantage of the opportunity and fly out ...

    Van Der Pas Elly


  • Reviews the book `Buddhist Hermeneutics,

    Peter Gregory); two with Japanese materials(ThomasKasulis, Roger Corless); and one with Korean ...All but two of the contributors received their Ph.D's fromAmerican universities and now hold ...

    Griffiths, Paul J.


  • 越南全国最大佛塔—Lien Hoa塔在越美拖市动工

    of Tien Giang. The 40m tower will be built to a hexagonal design and have 10 storeys, including the ...reserved for laying out the coffins of both Buddhists and poor workers before they are buried. The ...



  • 斯里兰卡法师将巴利语佛教经典的锡兰语译本呈交总统

    tradition of handing over Buddhist scriptures and books to the ruler of the land by the Buddhist clergy, ...in a ceremony on Friday. The Scriptures written originally in Sanskrit and then translated into Pali ...



  • 越南佛教僧伽会将开展首次朝圣之旅活动(图)

    participate in and guide the first religious tour in Vietnam this January. The first tour of this kind ... and cultural values of Buddhism, which has had an age-long influence on Vietnam. Tourists will have...



  • 寺庙组织与平安灯文化的建构:制度与网络的机制

    】寺庙组织与平安灯文化的建构:制度与网络的机制  【英文标题】Temple Organization and Ping An Deng Culture Construction: The Mechanisms of Institution and Network.  【文章作者】蔡常斌  【指导教师】熊瑞梅   【文章页数】120页  -------------------------------...



  • 论佛教在维护世界和平方面的现实选择

    occurred two world wars. In the 1990s, regional conflicts and terrorist activities occurred in quick succession. And the contradictions among nations and between regions were intensified. Therefore, it...

    果 光


  • 试论佛教“平等慈悲“理念的现世价值

    On the Practical Value of Buddhist Concepts of Equality and Mercy  Chen Guanqiao  Abstract:  ...system, a philosophy system, and a value system。 As a religious belief gradually accepted by billions ...



  • Discovery of a Bone-Relic at an Ancient Centre of Mahayana

    Amaravati stupa and is situated on the right bank of the Krisna in the Palnad Taluk, ... high. In it were originally pearls and garnets. Since 1926, the excavations carried ...



  • Buddhist temple in Thailand

    and given us all a lesson in how to help others die with dignityby James Nachtwey & Vanessa ...Thailand has opened its doors to people with AIDS--and given us all a lesson in how to help...

    Juliane Schober

