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  • Nothing and Sunyataa

    P.37 From the pine tree learn of the pine tree (Basho) For Western readers, ...

    Fred Dallmayr


  • Towards a philosophy of Buddhist religion

    religion is notequivalent to the philosophy of (Christian) religion [11. Although itremains logically possible to do philosophy of religion as if Christianitywere the only religion, the purpose of this ...

    Frank J. Hoffman


  • Debates Among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China

    ·期刊原文 Laughing at the Tao: Debates Among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval ChinaReviewed by ...translation of a sixth-century anti-Taoist polemical text written by the official ...

    Farzeen, Baldrian-Hussein


  • We must learn to be leaves

    -------------------------- THAILAND -- For the past five years, the Venerable Phra Prachak, abbott ..."Deep Ecology and Buddhism Jungle Trek"through Eastern Thailand, near the Cambodian border. The trek...

    River, Jess


  • Reply to Frank J. Hoffman

    and Mind in Early Buddhism. First, Hoffman claims that I misunderstand the use of his term, "early Buddhism," which refers to the Buddhism of the five Nikaayas. As such, he posits that I am ...

    Mary Bockover


  • Against Immaculate Perception

    philosophers, following Wilfrid Sellars' influential attack against the "myth of the given," argue against the very intelligibility of the notion of a state that claims to be cognitive without involv­...

    Chakrabarti, Arindam


  • Comparative Studies in Existentialism

    monograph, which confirms Professor de Silva's status as one of the leading East-West thinkers in Sri Lanka, revolves around the related issues of anxiety and self as ...

    Padmasiri de Silva.


  • Shame And Social Phobia: A Transcultural viewpoint

    promoted by society. In the United States, society tends to prohibit such shame-prone behavior and the show of one's vulnerability, while encouraging the visible demonstration of one's ...

    Okano K


  • Zen and Pragmatism

    in the April, 1953, number of Philosophy East and West a controversy between such learned scholars as Hu Shih and Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki about the philosophy which one calls Ch'an and the other Zen. [...

    Van Meter Ames


  • Book Review Japanese Buddhism: A Cultural History

    originally published in Japan in the late 1960s. Tamura, who died in 1989, was in his era one of the ... executed a very sophisticated textual analysis of the often overt but sometimes subtle distinctions...

    Yoshiro Tamura

