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  • Images of Chinese Buddhism by Marsha Weidner

    inscriptions on them,8 a fact sufficiently acknowledged in the catalogue (p. 361). He had ...

    Wang Eugene Yuejin


  • Liang Shuming and Henri Bergson on intuition

    essay by Liang in 1974.(8) Another explanation comes from Dr. Zheng Dahua of the People's ...

    Yanming An


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    between, the two sides, rather than on the meaning of an absolute borderline. [8] The liminology...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Illusionism (Maayavaada) in Late Tang Buddhism

    above within itself. [8] The meaning of the title of YCC is accordingly deep and profound. The ...

    Whalen W. Lai


  • Luminary Buddhist Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan

    to Japan-ize Taiwanese Buddhists,(8) probably seeing Buddhism as a means to culturally colonize the... (8) Heng-Ching Shih 1999, 418. Return to text. (9) Heng-Ching Shih 1999, 419; and Zheng 1998, ...

    Wei-yi Cheng


  • Mahaayaana Buddhism and Whitehead

    God is dipolar. He has a primordial nature and a consequent nature." [8] The consequent nature of ...

    Masao Abe


  • Mahaparinibbana-sutta and Cullavagga

    ·期刊原文Mahaparinibbana-sutta and Cullavagga Finot, LouisThe Indian Historical Qutlrterly8:21932.06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

    Finot, Louis


  • Making mandalas and meeting bodhisattvas

    titrated or topped-up in a mechanical way (1982 8). Sachs explains this fraudulent medical ...

    Clive Erricker


  • Metaphysics in Dōgen

    only to say that Buddhists reject what they consider bad metaphysics, not metaphysics as such. [8] ...

    Kevin Schilbrack


  • Microgenesis and Buddhism: The Concept of Momentariness

    [8] This intermediate phase is not a stasis but a segment of change that is neither an origination ...

    Jason W. Brown

