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  • Suramgamasamadhisutra

    maatravaada. However, towards the beginning the Common Era, effected by influence that there is no room ...

    Etienne Lamotte


  • The Classical Indian Axiomatic

    having a common material cause are substantially alike and that the differences between them are "unreal...discreditable in things being created by naming out of their common substratum." [13] The early ...

    Richard H. Robinson


  • Everyday Practice, Buddhist and Christian

    must form the common ground of dialogue. ...

    Scott Whitney


  • The human body as a boundary symbol:

    philosophers, provides us with a possible common ground on which to understand each other, ...of comparative dialogue, the subjects and ourselves are drawn together into a common ...

    Carl Olson


  • A Buddhist View of Repression

    from dying." (Common schizophrenic remark) By avoiding death, men pursue it. (Democritus) Man has ...him there. Becker builds on a perceptive remark by William James: "mankind's common instinct for ...

    David Loy


  • The Ontology of the Prajnaparamita

    No rational approach can be content to accept the crude data of common sense as ultimate facts. The...common to all Buddhist schools, such as the five skandhas, the twelve sense-fields, the eighteen ...

    Edward Conze


  • The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard

    unwittingly striking out a position that has much in common with Zen. To Kierkegaard, the Christian ...sake of common abstractions, common standards, common goods. What they see, feel, know, dream, ...

    Jacobson, Nolan Pliny


  • The Voice of the Buddha

    became popular for those common folk who did not have the educational background to understand the ...

    Gwendolyn Bays


  • A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism

    authentic form of Chinese Buddhism reflect a common theme in the development of religions-the struggle ...

    Bernard Faure


  • Transcendence East and West

    Curiously, India and Japan each seem to have more in common with the West than with each other. That is ...they "have in common a longing -- or more properly speaking, a vague and undefined attraction -- ...

    David R. Loy

