these teachings in the Four Noble Truths. These Truths were to provide his disciples ... Buddhist doctrine several centuries later. In presenting his doctrine in terms ...
Jose Pereira and Francis Tiso
p. 239
The position of the Lalitavistara-sutra in its ...composed in Nepal, and by some Buddhist poet who lived sometime between six hundred and a ...
Thomas, E. J.
early in life. Elsewhere it has been argued that verbal communities might be ...that enters into verbal behavior, and second, to illustrate this by some notions found in...
Muzai No Nanase
distinct sect in China. The argument is NOT that the traditions concerning this ...Buddhism,in which the experience of enlightenment is transmitted directly from master to ...
Charles W. Swain
Contemporary scholars in Asia and the West have suggested various dates that differ from the traditional ... (Richard GOMBRICH)
The reasoning and evidence used in calculating these dates are diverse and ...
Choong, Mun-keat (Wei-keat)
Asian and Comparative Philosophy, died of cancer at his home in Dallas, Texas. Fred was a large man, standing well over six feet tall, and a commanding presence in any...
David W. Chappell
death. Taken alone, these pronouncements set the stage for a life-denying tradition in ... even as a privileged dweller in one of the heavenly realms. The Buddha himself ...
Miranda Shaw
addressed in the Buddhist texts. There are of course important reasons for this. Our concept of... differ so markedly from our own, Buddhist texts reveal in their own way a ...
Sallie B. King
of Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, are found in or are similar to the teachings of the Upanisadic ...to his disciples in the Deer Park. The teachings include the "Four Noble Truths", and the "Noble ...
Dr. Ku Hung-Ting
Times, and Time magazine can scarcely report on the explosion of interest in American ...for-profit and not-for-profit businesses that serve the poor in Glassman's adopted ...
Christopher Queen, Tikkun