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  • The Indian Influence in American Philosophy

    most stimulated in this direction by reading deeply in Schopenhauer. [8] Royce's attachment to ...

    Riepe, Dale


  • The Indian Religion of the Goddess Shakti

    .8 heart-beat of plant life. Then, in due order with regard to Her would come ...



  • The Investigative Interrelatedness

    examples, unexpected pin pricks).[8] Human experiences also include, however, intense anxiety, ... (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1969), Part III. 8 Feigl. op. cit., passim. 9 ...

    Mary Carman Rose


  • The King of Siams Edition of the Pali Tipitaka

    p. 8 College, from which already there has sprung so strong ...

    Robert Chalmers


  • The Law of Karma and the Principle of Causation

    held to be sufficient. [8] However, such an emphasis on originating dispositions and intentions ..., 3.7.8). 6. Actions have "a double effect -- one physical and visible and another moral and ...

    Bruce R. Reichenbach


  • The Logic of Four Alternatives

    There is thus an extra-logical interest in analyzing the form of the catu.sko.ti.[8] We agree with ...Muulamaadhyamikakaarikaa, 18, 8. 23. Ibid., 27, 17-18; 8, 7. 24. "Some Logical Aspects of ...

    K. N. Jayatilleke


  • The Logic of the Illogical: Zen and Hegel

    statement that cannot be attained by mere intellectual cleverness." [8] Zen starts realistically from the ...

    Ha Tai Kim


  • The Logic of the One-Mind Doctrine

    intuitionist mathematicians of the West, who start with a phenomenalist position.[8] It seems that logical ...

    David Drake


  • The Logical Form of Catuskoti: A New Solution

    Thought (Mrs. Rhys Davids, Barua). [8] Catu.sko.ti statements constitute a mutually exclusive ...best given universal interpretation. (8) There is another world. There is no other world. There is ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • The Lotus Sutra and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

    and the nine other worlds are completely identical,"[8] attesting that everyone can become a Buddha. ...

    He Jingsong

