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  • Tsung-mis questions regarding the Confucian absolute

    defined as eternal (ch'ang(u) ) , capable of producing (sheng(v)), universal...

    Yun-hua Jan


  • Tthagata.

    say " Christ, i.e. the man (in Christ)." Cf. Part l, v, et infra. ...Vinaya, v, 121, and elsewhere the Buddha speaks of tathagatappaveditam ...

    Chalmers, Robert


  • Two Traditions of India -- Truth and Silence

    the first of four verses that appear both in the B.rhadaara.nyaka (V, 15, 1-4) and the brief II`sa ...desires." The traditions thus made salient appear more fascinating than what T. R. V. Murti sets ...

    Alex Wayman


  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    (or ~ (p v ~ p)) lead to the paradoxes of the catu.sko.ti discussed earlier if the negation of the ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Unity of Three Truths and Three Forms of Creativity

    ·期刊原文Unity of Three Truths and Three Forms of Creativity: Lotus Sutra and Process PhilosophyCheng, Chung-Ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy v.28 (December, 2001) p449-456 Blackwell Publishers on ...

    Cheng, Chung-Ying


  • Vasubandhu and the Vadavidhi

    ·期刊原文Vasubandhu and the Vadavidhi By H.R. Rangaswamy IyengarThe Indian historical QuarterlyVol.V, No.I, 1929, pp.81-86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------...

    H.R. Rangaswamy Iyengar


  • A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its Early Modifications

    Dvedhavitakkasutta (Majjhima Nikaya. Vol. I. P. 114ff. Ed. V. Trencker, P.T.S. 1979) ...v" is common in Pali (Geiger, ibid. 38.5).So ubbillapita seems to be ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • Attaa, Nirattaa, and Anattaa in the early Buddhist literature

    Mahaayaana. Section V comes to the conclusion that the anattaa doctrine ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • Who understands the four alternatives of the Buddhist texts?

    each denied, IV. The four alternatives applied to existence, each denied, V. The...chance. This, then, is one of the 'right views'. V. THE FOUR ALTERNATIVES APPLIED TO ...

    Alex Wayman


  • Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism

    ------- 4. Cf. T. R. V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism, 2d ed. (London: Allen and Unwin,...

    Hudson, H.

